Master’s degree programmes are second study stage in the structure given by our Faculty. They follow up three-year Bachelor’s studies and the length of the study is two years. For the best students there is a doctoral study programme prepared with the possibility to obtain PhD. title.
- Master's degree study programmes are accredited only in Czech language. The exceptions are study programmes Engineering of Energetic Materials - accredited also in English language and Materials Chemistry - accredited only in English language.
- Study fees in foreign language CZK 10 000,- per started academic year.
- The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies offers an intensive preparatory course of the Czech language (we require at least CEFR B2).
- Deadline for submitting applications:
- programmes in Czech language: June 30, 2025.
- programmes in English language: February 28, 2025.
- programme Engineering of Energetic Materials: March 30, 2025 - Candidates are admitted with a completed bachelor study on the basis of an interview in the scope of a bachelor's examination.
- How to apply for a Mgr. study?
Study programmes accredited in Czech language:
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Jan Fischer, CSc.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
For your future employment in various analytical laboratories, we offer you Analytical Chemistry study programme which will prepare you very well for this career. So do not hesitate and sign up – we are one of the most prestigious educational institutions in technochemical fields!
What will you learn?
By studying Analytical Chemistry, you will gain a theoretical overview of, and laboratory experience in modern instrumental analytical methods, as requested by leading experts in this field. You will become familiar with the basics of inorganic analysis and will get comprehensive practical lessons in organic compounds analysis using separation, electroanalytical and spectral methods.
Your career prospects
We will provide you with specialized training to become a true professional in the field. As a highly qualified expert, you will have the prerequisite skills for employment in both manufacturing plants and basic and applied research. Thanks to the wide range of specialized subjects, you will be able to apply even outside purely chemical disciplines, such as in conducting control laboratories, highly specialized production, or inspection bodies (in the state and public spheres).
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Mgr. Roman Kanďár, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Mgr.
Do you want to co-operate with doctors and veterinarians, control the analytical methods of processing biological samples, and work in state-of-the-art laboratories? Then you are on the right track!
What will you learn?
We will teach you how to handle advanced analytical methods in chemistry, clinical biochemistry and immunology. You will get to know all the necessary safety principles in the laboratory. You will be able to act independently in the evaluation and analysis of results and will be able to research field-related literature. Teaching will take place in various ways and will include work in laboratories, which will give you the necessary practice you will need to apply right after you commence your work.
Your career prospects
You will be a specialist with a university degree who will find employment in instrumental analysis and biochemistry, microbiology and immunology. You will be able to easily work in hospital clinical laboratories, sanitary facilities, veterinary institutes, research institutes or private companies. Doctors will consult with you about which laboratory method and diagnosis to choose for their patients. Thanks to a wide range of knowledge, you will also be able to find work in pharmaceutical and food companies and in other institutions that carry out analyses of biological materials.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. Aleš Růžička, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Studying Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, you will receive not only high quality education in this field, but we will also prepare you for various professions in the technochemical industry or research.
What will you learn?
As a graduate in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, you will fully understand the relationship between the structure of the substance and its static and dynamic properties. We will teach you that inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry are not isolated disciplines, but those which naturally blend with other chemical and non-chemical science disciplines. You will be educated especially in advanced inorganic chemistry, as well as in the theoretical foundations of molecular and crystalline chemistry, the methods of substance structure research or the chemistry of organometallic compounds, among others.
Your career prospects
Thanks to the wide range of teaching at our faculty, you will be able to quickly adapt to the changing labour market and also to your own needs. This is to make your future profession simple to reach and easy to perform. Completing your studies, you will obtain qualifications for professional management and scientific research at research institutes. You will be able to find a job not only in top management, but also in the chemical, pharmaceutical or food industry as an expert technician.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. Petra Šulcová, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
In order to apply the theoretical knowledge of inorganic chemistry in practice, but also for a perfect understanding of this scientific discipline, we offer Inorganic Technology to applicants. If this is the direction you want to follow, sign up and study at our faculty.
What will you learn?
Your studies will include advanced training in inorganic manufacturing technology, theoretical fundamentals of technological processes, industrial safety, quality management and environmental management, statistical data processing, as well as chemical informatics.
Your career prospects
We put emphasis on the interdisciplinary form of education – the graduate gains the necessary knowledge of both purely professional and universal nature. Owing to this, you will find employment not only in the field of your study, but also in non-chemical practice. You will be able to apply for various jobs, such as in the chemical industry, in applied and basic chemical research, but also in the textile, rubber and engineering industries, transport, education, agriculture, etc.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. RNDr. Zuzana Bílková, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Mgr.
Do you want to make good use of your knowledge of chemistry in medicine to help people, such as patients with cancer? Are you interested in genetics and do you struggle to imagine your work without a microscope? Do you want to work in top-quality laboratories and analyse samples? Then you should come and study at our faculty.
What will you learn?
We will teach you how to handle advanced analytical methods in chemistry, clinical biochemistry and immunology. You will also become familiar with histology and cytology. You will get to know all the necessary safety principles in the laboratory. You will be able to evaluate independently and statistically analyse the results and work with specific software. The teaching is very practical, so you will spend enough time in the laboratories to learn how to handle various devices. That is the only way to get the much-needed practice for the work you will do when starting your job.
Your career prospects
You will be a healthcare professional able to work independently without professional supervision in the laboratories of hospitals, health centres, and hygiene facilities. You will be able to take part in the production of medicines and bioproducts or work in companies that deal with testing and analysing biological materials and pharmaceuticals. Doctors will ask you for consultations regarding which laboratory method and diagnosis to choose for their patients.
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Liběna Tetřevová, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
We would like to introduce to you a lucrative branch of study: Economics and Management of Companies of the Chemical Industry. We recommend this field if you are interested in the operation of companies active in technochemical or food-processing spheres.
What will you learn?
Through systematic training in the Economics and Management of Companies of the Chemical Industry, you will gain the necessary education and skills in areas such as general economics, management, applied and economic statistics, and law. But you will also gain practical experience through case studies, managerial simulation games, and a professional internship at leading domestic companies.
Your career prospects
Upon completing your studies, you will be fully prepared to hold technical, economic and managerial positions in companies involved in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food processing industries. As a graduate, you will find employment in middle and senior management positions in the departments mentioned above, but also in state and local authorities, and possibly even in financial institutions.
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Pavel Čičmanec, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Undoubtedly, research activity is a very meritorious part of every field of science. What about becoming an expert not only in research, but also in the effective transmission and interpretation of these results into real practice? In case you were just struck by this idea or have long been interested in this topic, do not hesitate to start studying Technical Physical Chemistry.
What will you learn?
We will teach you to solve your scientific-research tasks individually, to identify their nature and to transfer them to industrial practice. You will receive a high quality education, especially in thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, chemical engineering, mathematics, statistics, as well as modern analytical methods. In addition to theoretical teaching, we put emphasis on practical teaching in the modern laboratories of our faculty.
Your career prospects
Our goal is to prepare educated and highly qualified professionals and, at the same time, confident young people who will have no problem finding their place in both Czech and foreign labour markets. Upon studying Technical Physical Chemistry, you will be able to hold a wide range of positions and perform activities at the level of middle management of technical staff. You will find employment in various chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, both in manufacturing and other divisions.
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Libor Červenka, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
More and more emphasis is now being put on the quality of food. Therefore, its control and careful analysis are very important. And we know how to do it.
What will you learn?
You will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge regarding modern analytical methods, as well as general and food microbiology and biochemistry. You will be able to use a wide range of analytical disciplines independently to help you find employment easily, even in other industries. There will be lots of practical teaching in laboratories, which will provide you with the necessary experience and allow you to be successful at your job.
Your career prospects
You will become an expert with a university degree in analytical control of raw materials and materials. Thanks to a broad base of knowledge, you will find it easy to get a job not only in laboratories in the chemical industry, but even in other control laboratories dealing with, for example, veterinary or human medicine. You can find your place in the food or chemical industry, and you can also devote yourself to research.
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Jalový, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
This is a unique branch of study you will not find anywhere but at the University of Pardubice, located in a city whose history of explosive production dates back to well into the last century. Become an indispensable specialist in this exciting area and come to study this special and prospective scientific discipline.
Who can apply
Because we are not military institution and we provide some information about military explosives at the same time, we are under the license for military goods.
The license covers European Union countries, Albania, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, Montenegro, Japan, Liechtenstein, Norway, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Only citizens of these countries can apply for this study programme.
What will you learn?
You will become an expert in explosives and other energetic materials, also, also by gaining theoretical knowledge in lectures, but mainly through practice in laboratories. We focus on safety engineering, for which you will be equipped thoroughly: we will teach you to solve problems independently, carry out risk analyses and prepare the necessary safety documentation for businesses and institutions in accordance with applicable Czech and EU laws.
Your career prospects
You can work in the development, production, processing, storage or transport of energy materials. You can also deal with research or disciplines such as blasting and military technology. You could be employed by the police, the state administration, the mining authorities or the EU, and NATO would find your kind of work indispensable.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. Petr Mošner, Dr.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Mgr.
Material engineering deals with everything that is involved in materials of various kinds – production, research, development of new methods in materials processing, but also identifying causes of changes, faults and material defects.
What will you learn?
Studying Material Engineering includes education in areas such as solids, solid state physics, material characterization methods, sub-types of materials, or special materials handling methods. In addition, we will teach you how to work with information resources, information technologies (especially text and graphics editors to process experimental results), etc.
Your career prospects
As a successful graduate in Material Engineering and owing to a wide material base, you will be able to find employment in chemical and non-chemical plants, ceramics, glass, electronic and electrical engineering industries, or in research material laboratories. Therefore you will find the opportunity wherever a skilled worker in the field is needed.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. Petr Němec, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Even in the time of the Internet and the virtual world, printing remains a part of our everyday life. We often admire interesting graphics on posters, in magazines or in books. If you want to delve deeper into the world of print, do not hesitate to come and study Graphic Arts and Printing Technology.
What will you learn?
We will pick up the threads of basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the undergraduate degree and will study them further so that you will be able to deal with the printing industry even in research. At the same time, you will be able to manage the economics and management of a printing company. You will become a specialist in materials, physical processes and interactions in printing technologies, and a wide range of printing techniques and manufacturing technologies, including the knowledge of colours and lacquers. Moreover, you will be able to use currently used graphics programs, create electronic publications, and will be able to apply it even in multimedia communication.
Your career prospects
You will find it easy to get a job in the modern printing industry, whether as an employee or an entrepreneur. Due to the possibility of studying economic and managerial subjects, you will gain the perfect training to serve in leadership positions in companies. Should you become interested in research, we would gladly welcome you in a doctoral study programme.
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Anna Krejčová, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
The aim of the study program "Sustainable Development in Chemistry and Technology" is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills in chemical technologies, low-waste technologies, processing and recycling of waste products and recycling with regard to green energy, sustainable development, environmental protection and industrial toxicology. The aim is to be acquainted with some important theoretical disciplines enabling the assessment of environmental impacts of industrial activity, the identification of environmental risks and life cycle assessment. The interconnection of new and existing chemical technologies, their legal and administrative aspects with their environmental and socio-economic impacts is emphasized. In the study programme, there is a link to the current requirements of practice and space for the involvement of experts from practice in the pedagogical process.
What will you learn?
Graduates of the study programme Sustainable development in chemistry and technology have a full-fledged chemical-technological education, which is extended in the latest developments in low-waste chemical technologies, processing and recycling of waste products with regard to sustainable development strategy, concepts of green chemistry, life cycle, industrial ecology and environmental protection. The graduate is acquainted with some important new trends in theoretical disciplines enabling the assessment of environmental impacts of industrial activity, identification of environmental risks and life cycle assessment. In addition to basic expertise, a multidisciplinary approach to the effective interconnection of chemical-technological and environmental issues is emphasized. The intersection of new and existing chemical technologies, their legal and administrative aspects with their environmental, social and economic impacts is highlighted.
Your career prospects
In the study programme, the connection to the current requirements of practice is ensured, as well as the space for the involvement of experts from practice in the pedagogical process. Education in this field at the general chemical-technological level combined with multidisciplinary environmental and socio-economic studies will enable to get professional and managerial positions in industrial companies with chemical and non-chemical production (automotive, plastics processing, engineering, surface treatment, construction, etc.), research workplaces of various kinds and control laboratories, but also in state administration bodies of all levels.
Guarantor of the study specialization: prof. Ing. Jiří Hanusek, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
At the very beginning, organic chemistry was called the chemistry of living nature. Today, however, we know that this statement is not entirely true, and the meaning of chemistry of carbon compounds (organic chemistry) is far more complex. If you are interested in this topic, study Organic Chemistry with us.
What will you learn?
In studying Organic Chemistry, you will acquire theoretical knowledge in technology and economic management, supplemented by an adequate level of IT knowledge and language training. Thanks to your professional skills, you will be able to manage and realize the production of technical specialties and hold managerial positions in the given fields.
Your career prospects
After completing your studies, you will become a college graduate able to find employment primarily in research workplaces in chemistry and other related fields. You will be ready for professional activities at the middle management level of small and large chemical and non-chemical enterprises. These companies offer a great opportunity for your future employment – skilled workers with the profession of chemist-synthesist are very much sought after!
Guarantor of the study specialization: prof. Ing. Jiří Hanusek, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Are you interested in organic chemistry and want to be a master of dye technology, the production of pharmaceuticals or safety engineering? You are at the right place!
What will you learn?
You already have the basics, so now we will provide you with advanced knowledge in physical chemistry, organic chemistry and technology (e.g. dye chemistry and technology, the production of pharmaceuticals, and organic technology processes). You will also learn about photochemistry and safety engineering. In addition to advanced knowledge in chemistry, you will gain economic and managerial skills, will become familiar with specialized software, and will be able to speak foreign languages. You will gain your experience in new and modern laboratories at the Faculty of Chemical Technology.
Your career prospects
You can be an operational or organic technologist, a researcher, or a manager. This is just the beginning of a list of positions you can occupy in public and private organizations, both in small and large chemical plants. You will also find employment in control and counselling positions in both Czech and foreign companies.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. František Potůček, CSc.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
The study programme Chemistry and Technology of Paper and Pulp deals mainly with the chemical processing of wood mass and its further processing, especially in paper production, as well as the properties of paper and its use, for example in graphic arts. If you are interested in the subject, then do not hesitate to join us.
What will you learn?
We will provide you with a wide range of knowledge, mainly based on the technochemical principle of processing phytomass. This includes from production and processing of paper and other paper products and their testing, the science of cellulosic materials as well as the use of paper in graphic arts (including chemistry and wood morphology). We will teach you disciplines in which you will gain practical experience in special engineering, environmental protection and the solutions to environmental problems associated with papermaking.
Your career prospects
As a graduate of this programme, you will receive training suitable for work in industrial enterprises, laboratories, research institutes, but also in smaller private companies and institutions active in the chemical, pulp-paper, wood and processing industries. Thanks to your qualifications, you will have the prerequisite skills to perform a number of middle management positions. You can also deepen your knowledge with further study in one of the doctoral study programmes offered by our faculty.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. Andréa Kalendová, Dr.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Do you enjoy chemistry and do you want to have a unique education? Paints are a very specific and desirable area of knowledge in the labour market, so do not hesitate and sign up.
What will you learn?
You will gain knowledge in macromolecular and physical chemistry, film-forming chemistry, the technology of production and application of paints, polymers and pigments. You will become familiar with the methods of testing the coatings and surface treatment technologies. We have modern facilities, so you will work in laboratories with the latest materials such as organic and inorganic pigments, fillers and additives.
Your career prospects
Graduates will find work as technologists, researchers, managers or traders both in the Czech Republic and abroad. You will be able to work in laboratories of research centres and chemical companies that specialize in coatings. Thanks to your knowledge, you will find employment easily, even outside the chemical industry. Your knowledge and skills are desired everywhere where surface treatments are addressed.
Guarantor of the study program: prof. Ing. Petr Kalenda. CSc.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Technology of Polymer Manufacturing and Processing will prepare you well for a career as a scientist or manager of some of the companies or research institutions in the field of production and processing of polymers, composites and paints. Join us!
What will you learn?
You will gain knowledge of macromolecular chemistry, polymer production and processing technology, the technology of production and application of paints. You will understand the evaluation of thermoplastics, thermosets and other composites, and we will teach you to orient yourself in pigment chemistry and material protection. In addition, you will gain the necessary economic and managerial skills so that you will be able to cope in any position.
Your career prospects
Graduates will find their place in research institutions and companies focused on the production and processing of polymers, composite materials and coatings. You can work in chemical, pharmaceutical or food industries, in middle management positions or as a researcher. We will teach you how to deal with people, how to work with state-of-the-art software, and to speak foreign languages. As a result, you will be able to find employment in any field-related managerial position in both domestic and foreign companies.
Study programmes accredited in English language:
Guarantor of the study program: doc. RNDr. Petr Janíček, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
Materials Chemistry deals with areas involving the production and processing of inorganic and partially also organic materials and methods for determining material properties.
What will you learn?
The study includes a theoretically oriented subjects such as knowledge of solid-state physics and chemistry, general and inorganic chemistry, advanced physical chemistry, chemical kinetics and catalysis, as well as an overview of modern and promising materials, methods of their preparation and areas of application of these materials. You will get acquainted and you will have the opportunity to utilize modern methods of characterization of materials.
Your career prospects
A successful graduate in the field of Materials Chemistry will find employment as a technologist, in research and development and also in responsible positions in laboratories for characterization of materials, etc., or in other positions requiring comprehensive technical and managerial knowledge and skills.
Guarantor of the study program: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Jalový, Ph.D.
Form of study: full-time
Length of study, academic degree: 2 years, Ing.
This is a unique branch of study you will not find anywhere but at the University of Pardubice, located in a city whose history of explosive production dates back to well into the last century. Become an indispensable specialist in this exciting area and come to study this special and prospective scientific discipline.
Who can apply
Because we are not military institution and we provide some information about military explosives at the same time, we are under the license for military goods.
The license covers European Union countries, Albania, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, Montenegro, Japan, Liechtenstein, Norway, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Only citizens of these countries can apply for this study programme.
What will you learn?
You will become an expert in explosives and other energetic materials, also, also by gaining theoretical knowledge in lectures, but mainly through practice in laboratories. We focus on safety engineering, for which you will be equipped thoroughly: we will teach you to solve problems independently, carry out risk analyses and prepare the necessary safety documentation for businesses and institutions in accordance with applicable Czech and EU laws.
Your career prospects
You can work in the development, production, processing, storage or transport of energy materials. You can also deal with research or disciplines such as blasting and military technology. You could be employed by the police, the state administration, the mining authorities or the EU, and NATO would find your kind of work indispensable.