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Published: 30.06.2021

At the beginning of the meeting of the Scientific Board on 9 June 2021, the Dean of FChT Professor Petr Kalenda awarded Commemorative Medals and Dean’s Awards to the authors of the most prestigious publications.

Prof. Ing. Marek Liška, DrSc., dr.h.c. was presented with the Commemorative Medal on the occasion of a significant life jubilee. The Dean’s Award and the Commemorative Medal were presented to the Rector of the University of Pardubice Prof. Ing. Jiří Málek, DrSc., Ing. Jana Shánělová, Ph.D. from the Department of Physical Chemistry and Ing. Petr Košťál, Ph.D. from the Department of Inorganic Technology for the publication in a journal in the first decile according to the Web of Science database published in 2020 (Viscosity of chalcogenide glass-formers, International Materials Reviews, 65, 2, pp. 63-101).

The Dean’s Award and the Commemorative Medal were also presented to Prof. Ing. Petr Mikulášek, CSc. and Ing. Jiří Cuhorka, Ph.D. from the Institute of Environmental and Chemical Engineering for the publication in a first decile journal (Removal of micropollutants from water by commercially available nanofiltration membranes, Science of the Total Environment, 720, Art. No. 137474).

The laureates were awarded in person.

Congratulations to all of the award winners and wishing them good health, fortune and every success!

Mgr. Lucie stříbrná, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean of Faculty