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Innovation of Education Methods and Skills at the University of Pardubice - INEMSUP

Provider: Dům zahraniční spolupráce
Programme: Institucionální projekty spolupráce
Implementation period: 01.08.19 - 31.10.20
Workplace: Fakulta chemicko-technologická - Kat. ekonom.a manag. chem. a potrav.prum
Investigator: Vávra Jan
Team member: Tetřevová Liběna | Munzarová Simona | Košťálová Jana | Jelínková Martina | Bednaříková Marie
The nature of the project is the implementation of institutional cooperation between the partners of the project at the University of Pardubice, the Faculty of Chemical Technology (applicant) and the BI Norwegian Business University and University of Iceland (donors). Applicant?s lecturers plan to get acquainted with the process and methods of teaching in partner institutions by peer learning activities, as well as share knowledge and best practices in the field of environmental and social responsibility, innovation management and sustainability issues at the highest world level. The expected objectives of the project are: ? Improved educational skills of lecturers ? Innovated courses related with Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Innovation, Social and Environmental Responsibility, ? promote student education in citizenship, environmental and social responsibility issues, ? promote collaboration and sharing of pedagogical methodology, knowledge and skills among partner institutions. The principle of achieving the objectives of the project follows a simple scheme of follow-up activities. 1) Creating and transfer of intellectual outputs activities realized by partners - donors (with applicant as consultant) 2) Innovation of materials, curricula, courses content activity realized by applicant?s lecturers (with partners as consultants) 3) Dissemination activity On the basis of peer learning findings, and as a following activity(ies), the lecturers will adapt the curricula of the courses taught at the University of Pardubice, supplemented with teaching materials on case studies and applicable teaching methods. To promote student education in citizenship, environmental and social responsibility issues and to ensure wider promotion of project knowledge the third dissemination activity of the project will be realized. The project?s outputs are mainly: ? innovated courses? curricula: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Production and Consumption in the Chemical Industry, Innovation and Investment Management for Sustainable Development, New Trends in Business and Management, Social Communication, Environmental Economics, ? newly created study materials and case studies, ? organized dissemination workshop summarizing the acquired pedagogical knowledge, skills and benefits. A key benefit is the transfer of knowledge among partner countries on a globally relevant theme of environmental responsibility and society that will contribute to more versatile education for graduates. Students will gain not only economic and managerial education, but also their education in environmental and social issues will be significantly promoted, which should promote their sense of citizenship and responsibility in the realization of chemical productions and responsibility towards corporate stakeholders and society in particular. The project directly fulfils the Programme Objectives to enhance the capital and knowledge base in the Czech Republic by extending the pedagogical knowledge of lecturers and will also support further cooperation between partner institutions. Direct target group consists of 6 lecturers of the University of Pardubice - course guarantors at the Department of Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industries. Beneficiaries of the project are other lecturers involved in teaching students at the Department of Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industries, and the students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology who attend the innovated courses. It is in the public interest to provide the student with the appropriate knowledge and to use the educational forms of education. The need for multidisciplinary education of a student with an overlap in Corporate Social Responsibility is in line with the global goals of sustainability on the planet Earth, the quality of life in the European countries and responsible citizenship.