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New wound covers for chronic wounds

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: Program aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací GAMA 2
Implementation period: 01.02.20 - 31.12.21
Workplace: Fakulta chemicko-technologická - Oddělení technologie organických látek
Investigator: Hrdina Radim
Team member: Burgert Ladislav | Šimková Ivana
The project assumes the preparation of three functional samples of new covers for healing chronic wounds that show alkaline pH. The wound covers will be based on biocompatible polysaccharides, from which staple nano to microfibers will be prepared, which will further contain disinfectants, wound acidification additives and other biologically active substances supporting healing. Functional samples will be tested both for antimicrobial efficacy (FChT laboratories) and the project envisages testing these samples (in the form of subcontracts) ?in vivo? on experimental animals. Finally, patent protection of provenly effective wound covers for chronic wounds.