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Education of Modern Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: CEEPUS
Implementation period: 01.09.24 - 31.08.25
Workplace: Fakulta chemicko-technologická - Katedra analytické chemie
Investigator: Metelka Radovan
The CEEPUS network entitled "Education of Modern Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods" gives graduate and postgraduate students the possibility to conduct scientific experiments related to their MSc or Ph.D. theses and work independently in laboratories of participation units, gaining new scientific experience and knowledge of modern instrumental analytical methods. Joint supervision of theses with foreign scientists of the network, lectures of experts in the field, and practical involvement of students, which often results in research articles published in renowned scientific journals, are the main objectives of this network. Twenty-three participation units from eleven countries related to chemistry, biology, food, and pharmacy are gathered in this network to help the students in their education.