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Research and Education in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design - READGRID

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: CEEPUS
Implementation period: 01.09.24 - 31.08.25
Workplace: Fakulta chemicko-technologická - Katedra polygrafie a fotofyziky
Investigator: Jašúrek Bohumil
CEEPUS Network "Research and Education in the Field of Graphic Engineering and Design" aims to create an appropriate network through which the development and sharing of knowledge will be enabled and improved. Another goal is increase the level and number of exchanges of academics and students between individual partners, provide student qualification work and teaching in subjects in the field of graphic engineering and design. The research is focused on design, prepress, printing, finishing and digital workflow. The network contains now fourteen universities from ten countries.