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Published: 08.11.2021

A cooperation and promotion agreement has been concluded between SPOLCHEMIE, a significant Czech chemical factory, and the Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice.

Year after year it is harder for the chemical industry to recruit qualified employees to virtually all positions. At the same time, the EU’s ambition in the area of the so-called Green Deal and the pursuit of carbon neutrality will not do without chemistry and chemical professionals. Therefore, cooperation with universities as well as schools is absolutely crucial for the entire chemical industry.” These reasons for the conclusion of the agreement with the University of Pardubice were explained by the General Director of SPOLCHEMIE Ing. Daniel Tamchyna, who is himself a successful graduate of the university.

We very much appreciate this cooperation, whether it be traineeships, excursions or scholarship programmes for our students in one of the longest-running and successful European chemical factories. We believe that this will appeal not only to our students but also teachers,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology Prof. Petr Kalenda.

The Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice is the leading higher education institution in chemistry in the Czech Republic. The teaching of chemistry at the faculty has maintained a high standard for a long time. Many successful graduates work in important positions in the chemical industry. The study portfolio offers a broad range of study programmes in chemistry, chemical technology and biology as well as material engineering and nanotechnology. The Faculty of Chemical Technology prides itself on the extensive scientific, research and creative activities, applied research as well as significant personalities. The students and academics are involved in domestic as well as international projects and organize prestigious scientific conferences and student competitions. This year, a total of 412 students enrolled in the 1st year of bachelor’s degree, which is comparable to the previous year, while 136 students enrolled in the 1st year of master’s degree. Overall, there are over 1,300 students at the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

SPOLCHEMIE is a Czech chemical enterprise of European importance with a production history that dates back to 1856. It is one of the leading manufacturers of synthetic resins in Europe whose range of production includes epoxy and alkyd resins, hydroxides and chlorine derivatives, hardeners, solvents, etc. The products of SPOLCHEMIE are used in construction, transport, power engineering, electronics, pharmacy and other industrial fields. The company employs more than 800 workers and over 80% of its production is exported to more than 60 countries worldwide.

Mgr. Lucie Stříbrná, Ph.D., Vice-Dean / Photo: Milan Reinberk