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Materials synthesisTools
Deposition of thin filmsAtomic Layer Deposition tool (TSF 200, Beneq) incl. glovebox and Flow-Bed Reactor
Atomic Layer Deposition tool (Flexivol, CTechNANO)
Chemical Vapor Deposition tool (Vakumservis)
Spincoater (Best Tools)
Ellipsometer (FS-1, Film Sense)
He leak detector (ASM340DRY, Pfeiffer)
Fibers Cyclon 1 (Pardam) including Air-Conditioning unit
Vacuum Dryer (D 23, Fisher Scientific)
Surface tension analyser
Nanodisperse systems incl. separationGlovebox (MB200MOD, MBraun)
Spin-coater (WS-650, Laurell)
Lyophiliser (L4-110 PRO, Gregor Instruments)
Supercritical CO2 dryer (SFE-Helix Basic, Applied Separations)
DLS / ZETA sizer (SZ 100 Z, Horiba)
Ultracentrifuge (Optima Max XP, Beckmann & Coulter)
Ultrasonic homogeniser (Sonopuls HD 4200, Bandelin)
Hydrothermal and sol-gel syntheses Hydrothermal reactor (Multiwave 5000, Anton Paar)
Rotary evaporator (R-100, Büchi)
Vacuum Drying Oven (VD 23, Fisher Scientific)
Thermal treatmentsVacuum furnace with controlled atmosphere (VTP1500, VacuumTech)
Firing three zones furnace (7016T3Z, Classic CZ)
Rapid Thermo Annealer (JF 100C, Jipelec)
Tube muffle furnace
Materials characterizationTools
Electron MicroscopyScanning electron microscopy (JSM 7500F, JEOL Ltd)
Scanning electron microscope (JSM 5500-LV/EDX, JEOL Ltd]
Electron Microscopy +LithographyScanning electron microscope + Focused-ion beam lithography (LYRA 3 GMH, TESCAN)
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (Oxford Instruments)
Electron-beam lithography (LYRA3 GMH, TESCAN)
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, ESCA 2SR, Scienta Omicron), incl. mono- and dual X-ray source
X-ray diffractometryX-ray diffractometry (XRD, Empyrean, Malvern Panalytical)
Micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopymXRF spectrometer Atlas X (IXRF systems)
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopyED XRF spectrometer Elva X (Elvatech)
Optical spectroscopy Fourier-transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR, Vertex 70v+HIPERION 3000 mikroskop, BRUKER)
UV-VIS-NIR spectrometry with integration sphere (UV3600PLUS + ISR603, SHIMADZU)
Raman Spectroscopy (MultiRam, Bruker)
FT-IR spectrometer FAR–NEAR IR (Nicolet NEXUS) and optical cryostat (Optistat CF-V)
Optical measurementsOptical setup with pulse and continual lasers (Q-Smart 450, DPSS SLM, Thorlabs, Newport)
Fluorometer (PTI QuantaMaster 400, Horiba)
Atomic Force MicroscopyAtomic Force Microscope (Ntegra, NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments
AFM / SPM Microscope (Solver PRO-M with digital controller P9, NT-MDT)
Textural analysesHigh vacuum gas sorption analyses (Autosorb 6100 FKM, Anton Paar)
Thermal analysesThermal gravimetry-gas chromatography with mass spectrometer (TG-GC-MS, Pyris 1TGA-Clarus 680GC-Clarus SQ8T-MS, PERKIN ELMER)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC Q2000, Waters) 
Thermomechanical analyser (TMA CX 03R)
Electrical and thermoelectrical analyses Impedance spectrometer (AUTOLAB PGSTAT 12 with modules FRA 2 and ECD)
Thermoelectrical analyser (LSR-3 , Linseis)
Sample preparation for analysesSputter coater (EM AC 200 Sputter, Leica)
Sample cutter (EM TXP, Leica)
Griding/polishing machine (LaboPol-20, Struers)
Plasma Cleaner (HPT-100, Henniker Plasma)
(Photo)-electrochemistryPhotoelchem setup (Institut Fotonowy)
Solar simulator (LED based, LSH-7320, Newport)
Electrochemical workstations VIONIC (Metrohm) and Zennium Pro (Zahner)
Small equipmentDeinozied Water station (Fisher Scientific)
Optical microscope (DM750M, Leica)
Optical microscope (BX 60, Olympus)
Cryostat (Optistat DNV, Oxford Instruments)
Cryogenic miller Freezer/Mill 6775 (SPEX SamplePrep)