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Academic worker, Professor

Name:     prof. Ing. Svatopluk Zeman, DrSc.
Phone:    +420 466 03 8503
Office:     Technological Department Doubravice, 
                  building CC, office No. 03 014


Study of initiation reactivity of energetic materials

This activity starts from my dissertation thesis (the respective experimental work begun in 1970) whose defense (viva voce) was not permitted due to political reasons and could only be realized in 1990. The primary topic was thermal reactivity of polynitro and polynitroso compounds and subsequent study of chemical micro-mechanism of initiation of energetic materials (initiation reactivity of EMs).

The study of chemical mechanism of initiation of energetic materials (EMs) is significant from the standpoint of safety aspect of handling of EMs as well as from the standpoint of construction of new molecules and charges of EMs and, last but not least, it also represents a matter of scientific prestige of the respective working team. The atomic groups – bearers of explosiveness (the so-called explosofores – the most frequent one is nitro group) in a molecule are not mutually equivalent, i.e. in a given molecule, there is always one explosofore that is most reactive. In the case of nitro groups, the most often used way of looking for the most reactive group is based on DFT quantum-chemical calculations of isolated molecules at the temperature of 0 K (the calculation concerns electronic charges at the key nitrogen atoms). With regard to the fact that a very important factor in the initiation and development of explosive transformation of EMs is the intermolecular force interactions, this approximation method can only be used for simple molecules of EMs (e.g. nitramines). More realistic is the application of data obtained from crystallographic study of the given molecule of EMs to these calculations, which, however, in this case are much more complicated and time-consuming. Good results in this study are obtained from the

application of 13C a 15N NMR chemical shifts of key atoms in reaction centers of the molecule; on the basis of correlation of the mentioned shifts with the initiation characteristics (sensitivity and/or characteristics of detonation) in a series of structurally related EMs it is possible to find and/or confirm the reaction centre of the molecule and/or to specify the most reactive nitro group in the molecule.

Thanks to the mentioned activity in this area, it was possible in our institute (Institute of Energetic Materials, University of Pardubice) to find and explain the existence of mutual relationships between the characteristics of low-temperature thermal decomposition, sensitivity to shock, friction and electric spark on the one hand, and detonation characteristic of energetic material on the other hand; it was possible to predict some characteristics of nitramines not yet synthesized, to interpret the properties of a new nitramine, cis-1,3,4,6-tetranitrooctahydroimidazo-[4,5-d]imidazole; at present, with the use of these findings, research is being done on plastic-bound nitramines, emulsion explosives, and utilization of demilitarized explosives. We also studied the initiation reactivity of solid and liquid mixtures based on peroxides.

Development of emulsion explosives

On the basis of my 2-week study visit in the company Nitro Nobel in Gyttorp in 1990 and later request from Slovak manufacturer Istrochem Bratislava to develop an emulsion high explosive of the 1st safety category, I have dealt with this problem since 1997. The development was successfully finished, and the resulting product called Slavit E was patented (Slovak patent and a PCT application). With respect to the bankruptcy of Istrochem and its subsequent purchase by Explosia joint-stock company Pardubice, the payment of patent fees was stopped, and this explosive is produced (without paying the finance obligation to the patent holder and authors) under the name Emulinit PM in a Polish group Nitroerg Bieruń in the amount of ca 600 ton per year. The findings obtained from these activities were applied to dealing with the project TIP MPO ČR concerning reuse of demilitarized explosives – the activities are being continued although the project has already been finished.

Development of new nitramine explosives

This originally “starting” orientation of our research team (from 50s of the last century) was revived after 2005.

We developed and patented the synthesis of cis-1,3,4,6-tetranitro-octahydroimidazo-[4,5-d]imidazole (bicyclo-HMX or BCHMX), and in following years, its application possibilities were and have been studied, particularly in plastic-bonded energetic mixtures. In connection with this activity, enhanced attention was and has been devoted to ε-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (ε-HNIW, ε-CL-20) from the standpoint of quality of its crystals and their morphological stability.

A component sine-qua-non is the description and study of properties of attractive cyclic nitramines inclusive of plastic bonded explosives that contain such cyclic nitramines.

Publication activities

A list of the most important published papers in the 2007-2013(June) period: 

Jimp – Papers in the Journals, which are cited in the info-base ISI Web of Science

  • Q-L. Yan,  S. Zeman,  A. Elbeih, Z. W. Song, J. Málek,   The Effect of Crystal Structure on the Thermal Reactivity of CL-20 and Its C4 Bonded Explosives (I): Thermodynamic Properties and Decomposition Kinetics,   Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  2013, 112(2) 823-836;

  • Q-L. Yan,  S. Zeman,  R. Svoboda, A. Elbeih, J. Málek,  The Effect of Crystal Structure on the Thermal Reactivity of CL-20 and Its C4-Bonded Explosives Part II. Models for Overlapped Reactions and Thermal Stability, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  2013,112(2) 837-849;

  • S. Zeman, A. Elbeih, Q-L. Yan,  Note on the Use of the Vacuum Stability Test In the Study of Initiation Reactivity of Attractive Cyclic Nitramines In Formex P1 Matrix, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  2013, 111(2) 1503-1506;

  • Q-L. Yan,  S. Zeman,  J. Selesovsky, R. Svoboda, A. Elbeih, Thermal Behavior and Decomposition Kinetics of Formex-Bonded Explosives Containing Different Cyclic Nitramines,  Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  2013, 111( 2) 1419-1430;

  • Q-L. Yan,  S. Zeman, F-Q. Zhao, A. Elbeih, Noniso-Thermal Analysis of C4 Bonded Explosives Containing Different Cyclic Nitramines, Thermochimica Acta  2013,556, 6-12;

  • A. Elbeih, J. Pachman, S. Zeman, W. A. Trzciński, M. Sućeska,  Study of Plastic Explosives based on Attractive Cyclic Nitramines, Part II. Detonation Characteristics of Explosives with Polyfluorinated Binders,   Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics  2013, 38(2) 238-243;

  • Q-L. Yan,  S. Zeman, A. Elbeih, Theoretical Evaluation of Sensitivity and Thermal Stability for High Explosives Based on Quantum Chemistry Methods: A Brief Review. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2013, 113(8) 1049-1061;

  • A. Elbeih, J. Pachmáň, W. A. Trzciński, S. Zeman, Z. Akštein, J. Šelešovský, Study of Plastic Explosives based on Attractive Cyclic Nitramines Part I. Detonation Characteristics of Explosives with PIB Binder. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 2011, 36(5) 433-438;      

  • A. Elbeih, S. Zeman, J. Pachmáň, P. Vávra, W. A. Trzcinski, Z. Akštein, Detonation Characteristics of Attractive Cyclic Nitramines Bonded by Plastic Matrices Based on Polyisobutylene and Poly(methyl methacrylate) Binders., Journal of Energetic Materials 2012, 30(4), 358-371.

  • A. Elbeih, M. Jungová, S. Zeman, P. Vávra P, Z. Akštein, Explosive Strength and Impact Sensitivity of Several PBXs Based on Attractive Cyclic Nitramines. Propellants, Explosive, Pyrotechnics 2012, 37(3) 329-334;

  • S. Zeman, Z. Friedl, A New Approach to the Application of Molecular Surface Electrostatic Potential in the Study of Detonation, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 2012, 37(5) 609-613;

  • Q-L.Yan, S.  Zeman, Thermodynamic Properties, Decomposition Kinetics and Reaction Models of BCHMX and its Formex Bonded Explosives. Thermochimica Acta 2012, 547, 150-160;

  • Q-L. Yan, S. Zeman, A. Elbeih, Recent Advances in Thermal Analysis and Stability Evaluation of Insensitive Plastic Bonded Explosives (PBXs). Thermochimica Acta 2012, 537, 1-12;

  • Elbeih A., Zeman S., Jungová M., Vávra P., Akštein Z., Effect of Different Polymeric Matrices on Some Properties of Plastic Bonded Explosives. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 2012, 37(6), 676-684;

  • O. Němec, M. Jungová, S. Zeman, Modification of W/O Emulsions by Demilitarized Composition B. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 2013, 38(1) 142-146;

  • A. Elbeih, J. Pachmáň,  W. A. Trzciński, S. Zeman, Z. Akštein, J. Šelešovský, Study of Plastic Explosives based on Attractive Cyclic Nitramines Part I.  Detonation Characteristics of Explosives with C-4 Binder. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 2011, 36(5) 433-438;

  •  S. Zeman, P. Vávra: Energetic materials - present state and trends in development of explosives . Chemické listy, 2010, 104, 791-797;

  •  S. Zeman, Z. Friedl ,  A. Růžička, M. Roháč, A. Lyčka: Crystallography and Structure-Property Relationships of 2,2˝,4,4´,4˝,6,6´,6˝-Octanitro-1,1´:3´,1˝-terphenyl (ONT). Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2010, 35, 130-135;

  •   S. Zeman, Z. Friedl, A. Růžička,  A. Lyčka, M. Roháč: Crystallography and Structure-Property Relationships in 2,2´,2˝,2´˝,4,4´,4˝,4´˝,6,6´,6˝,6´˝-dodecanitro-1,1´:3´1˝:3˝,1´˝-quaterphenyl (DODECA). Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2010, 35, 339-346;

  •  A. Elbeih, J. Pachmáň, S. Zeman, W. A. Trzciński,  Z. Akštein, M. Sućeska, Thermal Stability and Detonation Characteristics of Pressed and Elastic Explosives on the Basis of Selected Cyclic Nitramines, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2010, 7(3) 115-129;

  •  D. Klasovitý, S. Zeman, A. Růžička, M. Jungová, M. Roháč: cis-1,3,4,6-Tetranitrooctahydroimidazo-[4,5-d]imidazole (BCHMX), its properties and initiation reactivity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 164(2-3), 954-961;

  •  T. Atalar, S. Zeman: A new view of relationships of the N-N bond dissociation energies of cyclic nitramines. Part I. Relationships with heats of fusion. Journal of Energetic Materials,2009,  2(3), 186-199;

  • T. Atalar, M. Jungová, S. Zeman: A new view of relationships of the N-N bond dissociation energies of cyclic nitramines. Part II. Relationships with impact sensitivity. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2009, 27(3), 200-216;

  •  S. Zeman, T. Atalar: A new view of relationships of the N-N bond dissociation energies of cyclic nitramines. Part III. Relationship with detonation velocity. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2009, 27(3), 217-229;

  •   R. Roháč, S. Zeman, A. Růžička: Crystallography of 2,2',4,4',6,6'-hexanitro-1,1'-biphenyl and its relation to initiation reactivity. Chemistry of Materials2008, 20, 3105–3109;

  • R. Matyáš, W. A. Trzciński, S. Cudziło, S. Zeman: Detonation performance of TATP/AN based explosives, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2008, 33(4), 296-300;

  • S. Zeman, W. A. Trzciński, R. Matyáš: Some Properties of Explosive Mixtures Containing Peroxides. Part I. Relative Performance and Detonation of Mixtures with Triacetone Triperoxide, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 154,192–198;

  •  S. Zeman, C. Bartei: Some Properties of Explosive Mixtures Containing Peroxides. Part II. Relationships between Detonation Parameters and Thermal Reactivity of the Mixtures with Triacetone Triperoxide, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 154 (2008) 199–203;

  •  M. Chovancová, S. Zeman: Study of Initiation Reactivity of some Plastic Explosives by Vacuum Stability Test and Non-Isothermal Differential Thermal Analysis,  Thermochimica Acta, 2007, 460 67–76;

Jneimp – Papers in the Journals, which are cited in the info-bases ERIH or Scopus

  • M. Jungová, S. Zeman, A. Husarová, New Aspect of Friction Sensitivity of Nitramines (in Persian). Journal of Energetic Materials (Tehran) 2012, VII, No.1(14), 13-18;   ISSN 3629 1735.

  • A. Elbeih, S. Zeman, M. Jungová, Z. Akštein, Effect of Different Polymeric Matrices on the Sensitivity and Performance of Interesting Cyclic Nitramines. Central European Journal of Energetic Materials 2012, 9(2), 131-138.

  • M. Jungová, S. Zeman, A. Husarová, Friction Sensitivity of Nitramines.  Part I: Comparison with Impact Sensitivity and Heat of Fusion. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials  2011,19(6), 603-606;

  • M. Jungová, S. Zeman, A. Husarová, Friction Sensitivity of Nitramines.  Part II: Comparison with Thermal Reactivity. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials 2011, 19(6), 607-609;

  • S. Zeman, M. Jungová, A. Husarová, Friction Sensitivity of Nitramines.  Part III: Comparison with Detonation Characteristics. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials 2011, 19(6), 610-612;

  • Z. Friedl, M. Jungová, S. Zeman, A. Husarová, Friction Sensitivity of Nitramines.  Part IV: Links to Surface --Electrostatic Potentials. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials 2011, 19(6), 613-615;

  • S. Zeman, A. Elbeih, Z. Akštein, Preliminary Study of Several Plastic Explosives Based on Cyclic Nitramines, Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials 2011, 16(1) 8-12;

  • A. Elbeih, A. Husárová, S. Zeman, Path to HNIW with Reduced Impact Sensitivity, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials  2011, 8(3) 173-182;

  • O. Němec, M. Jungová, R. Mareček, M. Novotný, S. Zeman, J. Šelešovský, Fortification of W/O Emulsions by Demilitarized Explosives, Part I, Use of TNT, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials  2011, 8(3) 193-207;

  • S. Zeman, T. Atalar, Z. Friedl, X.-H- Ju: New aspects in early chemistry of the nitromethane initiation. Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2009, 6(1), 119-133;

  • S. Zeman: A New Aspect of Relationships between Electric Spark Sensitivity and Thermal Stability of Some Polynitro Arenes. HanNeng CaiLiao (The Chinese Energetic Materials), 2008, 16(6), 652-658;

  • S. Zeman, Z. Friedl, J. Kočí: Electric Electric Spark Sensitivity of Polynitro Arenes  Part II . Aspects of the Molecular Structure with Utilization of the Net Charges of Nitro Groups., Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2007, 4(No.4), 23-31;

  • S. Zeman, J. Kočí, J. Majzlík: Electric Electric Spark Sensitivity of Polynitro Arenes  Part I.A Comparison of Two Instruments, ”, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2007, 4(3) 15-24;

C – Monographs or their parts

  • S. Zeman: Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds  In: T. Klapoetke (Ed.), High Energy Density Compounds, Structure & Bonding, Vol. 125, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007, pp. 195-271; ISBN 987-3-540-72201-4;  ISSN 0081-5993.

  • S. Zeman, Teaching of the Chemistry and Technology of Explosives in the Czech Republic.  Chapter 1 in: R. W. Armstrong, J. M. Short, R. A. Kavetsky, D. K. Anand. “Energetics Science and Technology in Central Europe”, CECDS, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 2012, pp. 1-11; ISBN 978-0-9846274-3-1.

  • Zeman S., Study of the Initiation Reactivity of Energetic Materials.  Chapter 8 in: Armstrong R. W., Short J. M., Kavetsky R. A., Anand D. K,. “Energetics Science and Technology in Central Europe”, CECDS, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 2012, pp. 131-167; ISBN 978-0-9846274-3-1. 

D – Papers in Proceedings

  • O. Němec, M. Jungová, J. Grega, V. Pelikán, S. Zeman, Note to Determination of Relative Explosive Stength of Fortified W/O Emulsions by Means of Ballistic Mortar. Proceedings of the 15th Seminar „New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials“, Univ. Pardubice, April 2012, 248-253.

  • A. Elbeih, S. Zeman, J. Pachmáň, Z. Akštein, Influence of Polymeric Matrices on the Thermal Stability and Heat of Combustion of High Energy Materials. Proceedings of the International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environment Sciences (ICCEBS'2011), Planetary Scientific Research Centre, Bankok, Dec. 2011, 91-94;

  • A. Elbeih, S.Zeman, M. Jungová, Z. Akštein, P. Vávra, Detonation Characteristics and Penetration Performance of Plastic Explosives, in:LI Shengcai, NIU Peihuan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosive and Pyrotechnics,, nankiny Sept. 20-23, 2011, „Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials, Vol. IX“, Sci. Press, Beijing, pp. 508-513, ISBN 978-7-03-0324045-2;

  • O. Němec, M. Novotný, M. Jungová, S. Zeman, Demilitarized Explosive in Fortification of W/O Emulsions, in Roger Holmberg ettal.  (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth EFEE World Konference on Explosive and Vlastiny, Lisabon, Sept. 18-20, 2011, pp. 291-300, ISBN 978-0-9550290-3-5;

  • A. Elbeih, A. Husarová, S. Zeman, Low Sensitive HNIW, in: J. Pachmáň, J. ělešovský, R. Matyáš (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Seminar „New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials“, University of Pardubice, Apríl 13-15, 2011, pp. 602-609, ISBN978-80-7395-390-4;

  • A. Elbeih, S. Zeman, J. Pachmáň, Z. Akštein, M. Sućeska, Heat of Combustion and Detonation Characteristics of HNIW Bonded by Different Plastic Matrices, The Eight Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Hyderabad, India, Dec. 10-13, 2010, p.263.

  •  A. Elbeih, J. Pachmáň, S. Zeman, Z. Akštein, Replacement of PETN by Bicyclo-HMX in Semtex 10, in: R. Chromik, J. Kijewski, Z. Leciejewski (Eds.), Proc. 8th International Armament Conference, Pultusk, Oct. 2010, pp. 233-241.

  • A. Elbeih, J. Pachmáň, S. Zeman, W. A. Trzciński Z. Akštein: Detonation characteristics of bicyclo-HMX and HNIW with two different binders, New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, Proceedings of the Seminar, 13th, Pardubice, Czech Republic, Apr. 21-23, 2010,  Pt. 1, 96-107;

  •  Z. Friedl and S. Zeman: Reactivity of N–NO2 Bonds in Nitramines: Bond Dissociation and Bond Disproportionation Approach, in: Huang Ping, Wang Yajun, Li Sengcai (Eds.): Theory & Practice of Energetic Materials, Vol. VII, 2007 Int. Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics 2007, Xiۥan, Shaanxi, Peoples Rep. of China, October 2007, pp.410-417.

  • M. Roháč, S. Zeman and M. Svobodová: Possibilities of the 13C NMR Spectroscopy Application in the Studyof Initiation Reactivity of Hhighly Thermally Stable Ppolynitro Arenes, in: Huang Ping, Wang Yajun, Li Sengcai (Eds.): Theory & Practice of Energetic Materials, Vol. VII, 2007 Int. Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics 2007, Xiۥan, Shaanxi, Peoples Rep. of China, October 2007, pp.127-135.

P – Patents after 2002

  • 1.0      E. Jakubček, J. Boháčik, Š. Gazda, M. Makovinská, S. Zeman, K. Bezkočka, P. Kohlíček, „Modifier of Emulsion Explosive,“ PCT WO 02/081411, World Intelectual Property Organization, Publ.: 0ct.17, 2002, the last owner Explosia Co., Pardubice

  • 1.1      E. Jakubček, J. Boháčik, Š. Gazda, M. Makovinská, S. Zeman, K. Bezkočka, P. Kohlíček, „Spôsob modifikácie trhaviny v podobe emulzie“,  Slovak Patent 285 615, Publ.: Marec 5, 2007, the last owner Explosia Co., Pardubice.

  • 1.2      E. Jakubček, J. Boháčik, Š. Gazda, M. Makovinská, S. Zeman, K. Bezkočka, P. Kohlíček, „Modifikator emulsionnogo vzryvchatogo veschestva“, RU Pat. 2 286 326, Publ.: Oct. 27, 2006, the last owner Explosia Co., Pardubice.

  • 2.0      D. Klasovitý,  S. Zeman, CZ:Process for preparing  cis-1,3,4,6-tetranitrooctahydroimidazo-[4,5-d]imidazole“; C07D 487/04 (2006.01), PV 2009-503, CZ-Patent 302 068, Publ.:Aug. 12, 2010, University of Pardubice, Pardubice, CZ

  • 3.0      A. Elbeih, A. Husarová, S. Zeman, „Method of Preparation of -2,4,6,8,10,12-Hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane with Reduced Impact Sensitivity“, PCT WO2013044891 A1, World Intelectual Property Organization, Publ.: April 4, 2013, University of Pardubice, Pardubice, CZ.

  • 3.1      A. Elbeih, A. Husarová, S. Zeman, „Způsob přípravy 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitanu se sníženou citlivostí“, Czech  Patent 303 686, March 6, 2013, Univerzity of Pardubice, CZ.

W – International seminars „New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials“ (NTREM, http//

  • Chairman of the 11th Seminar NTREM  – 18th Seminar NTREM, University Hall, Pardubice, April 2008 - 2015

Selected projects 2007 – 2013:

  • Plastic bonded energetic systems with content of cis-1,3,4,6-tetranitro-octahydroimidazo-[4,5-d]imidazole (BCHMX), TAČR  No. TA03010647, co-solutionist, bearer Explosia, a. s., Pardubice, 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2015;

  • Inovation of industrial explosives, MPO ČR No. FR-TI4/370, co-solutionist, bearer Explosia, a. s., 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2014;

  • Conference project NTREM 2011), US Army No. W911NF-11-1-0097, 15.02.2011 – 31.10.2011;

  • Conference project (Seminar NTREM 2011), EOARD No. FA8655-10-1-5033, 21.10.2010 – 23.04.2011;

  • Conference project (Seminar NTREM 2008), US Army No. N00014-08-1-1039, 01.12.2007 – 09.04.2008;

  • Detection and identification of explosive precursors and explosives, Action grants, EK  No. JLS/2009/ISEC/AG/079, co-solutionist, bearer VVUÚ Ostrava, 01.01.2010 – 31.12.2012;

  • Technology of the nonlethal defensive  systems, MPO ČR No. FT-TA/028, co-solutionist, bearer Prototypa-ZM, Brno, 01.04.2004-31.12.2007;

Taught courses:

  • Technology of Energetic Materials

  • Advanced Technology of Energetic Materials (for PhD. study)

  • Technology of explosives (industrial, military, demilitarization)

Supervision of students in the master study (2007 – 2013):

  • Mr. Josef HAMAN, The study of preparation and some properties of nitramines with a new cage structure;  June 2007,

  • Ms. Kateřina LUČANOVÁ, Plastic bonded explosives on the base of Octogen and Bicyclo-octogenu; June 2009,

  • Mr. Adrián ŠVANCÁR, Sensitivity to electric spark of nitramines; June 2009,

  • Ms. Adéla HUSAROVÁ, Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW); May 2011,

  • Mr. Jan MÁTL, Properties of gelatinous explosives in dependence of the used amonium nitrate; June 2013.

Supervision of students in the Ph.D. study (2007 – 2013):

  • M.Sc. Martina CHOVANCOVÁ:          Some problems of initiation reaktivity of military explosives, September 2007,

  • M.Sc. Jiří KOČÍ:                           Sensitivity of energetic natepals to electric spark II.,  September 2007,

  • M.Sc.. Jan OTTIS:                                  Technological synthesis of FOX-7,          April 2008,

  • M.Sc. Vojtěch PELIKÁN                        Electrically conductive pyrotechnics for the electric pills, April 2009,

  • M.Sc. Michal ROHÁČ                The study of thermostable polynitrofenylene compounds, April 2010,

  • M.Sc Dušan KLASOVITÝ                     Synthese of the polycyclic nitramines – BCHMX, September 2010.


Other data

Natal Year:    1942

Natal Place:   Velký Týnec near Olomouc

Education - degrees:


VŠCHT Pardubice (now Univ. of Pardubice)
Organic technology – Technology of explosives



VŠCHT Pardubice (now Univ. of Pardubice)
Technology of explosives



Prague Inst. of Chem. Technol. (VŠCHT Praha)
Org. Technol. – Technology of Explosives


Work experience:

from - till


Professional sight

1967- 1969

VŠCHT Pardubice (now Univ.  Pardubice)

internal Ph.D. student

1969 - 1993

CHEMKO Co., Strážske (Slovakia)

an independent researcher

1993 - 1994

VŠCHT Pardubice (now Univ. Pardubice)

Assistant Prof. at the Dept. of Theory and Technol. of Explos.

1994 - 2000

University of Pardubice

Assoc. Prof. at the Dept. of Theory and Technol. of Explos.

2000 still

University of Pardubice

Full Prof. at the Institute of Energetic Materials

Habilitation (Assoc. Prof.):           

 Organic technology – Technology of explosives - 1992

Appointive Proceedings (Full Prof.):

   Organic technology – Technology of explosives  - 2000

 Membership of:

  • Slovak Society for Blasting ad Drilling (Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, from 1992)
  • International Society of Explosives Engineers (Cleveland, Ohio, from 1994);
  • Member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Hazardous Material (Elsevier, from 2009)
  • Vice-chairman of the editorial board of the Central European Journal of Energetic Materials (Inst. of Organic Industry, Warsaw, Poland, from 2004)