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3. 12.2024 CEMNAT organized 7th Student workshop. The aim was to present CEMNAT facilities that may be suitable for the realization of students' own research works. As part of the workshop, they were introduced to the current offer of thematically focused educational courses on various techniques for the preparation and characterization of materials. 

2. 12. 2024 CEMNAT organized workshop on the topic „Advanced utilization of focused ion beam in materials science“, speakers: representatives of a company TESCAN, Ltd.

23. - 28. 6. 2024 CEMNAT organized in Pardubice a conference "10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTIC, OPTOELECTRONIC AND PHOTONIC MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS“. More on the konference website:

14. 6. 2024 CEMNAT organized seminar in the framework of Seminar Series of the National Science Foundation project nr. OISE-2106457 on amorphous materials, speaker: Prof. Andriy Kovalskiy, Austin Peay State University, USA

11. 06. 2024 till 15. 06. 2024 3 Polish students from the University of Rzeszow (Poland) + and 3 Ukrainian students from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv undertook the training on the "Nanomaterial glass science" at Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies (CEMNAT) in the frame of the project “IMPRESS-U Supplement to the NSF project OISE-2106457 "Integration of UA-PL-USA students and researchers to advanced science and technology of amorphous materials". 

13. 5. 2024 Aidan MILAM and Tanner SIGEARS - students from Austin Peay State University (TN) USA - joined CEMNAT for a 7-week internship as part of NSF IRES project OISE-2106457. The first named student will deal with the preparation and properties of solution-based, non-toxic chalcogenide glasses, and the second will study geological samples taken at various locations in Tennessee.

23. 4. 2024 CEMNAT organized seminar “X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS): An introduction”, speaker MSc. Jhonatan Rogriguez Perreira, University of Pardubice, CZE.

20. 3. 2024 Dr. Raul Zazpe, MSc. Jhonatan Pereira and Dr. Jan M. Macak received “Memorial Medal of the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the University Pardubice” for the prestigious publication in the journal in the first decile of the field scale high index Article Influence Score (AIS)

8. 12. 2023 CEMNAT hosted the 4th meeting of its International Scientific Advisory Board for its regular annual CEMNAT assessment

5.12.2023 CEMNAT organized 6th Student workshop. The aim was to present CEMNAT facilities that may be suitable for the realization of students' own research works. As part of the workshop, they were introduced to the current offer of thematically focused educational courses on various techniques for the preparation and characterization of materials. 

21.11.2023 CEMNAT organized seminar entitled „Mechanical Behaviour and Indentation of Non-Oxide Glasses“. Speaker Prof. Tanguy Rouxel, University of Rennes, France

16. 11. 2023 Professor Miroslav Vlček received Rector´Award for his contribution to the development of the university. Professor Vlček has served numerous years as the head of Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies. Rector appreciated his conceptual development in basic and applied research, that led to listing of CEMNAT on the Road map for Large research Infrastructures.

1. 11. 2023 CEMNAT organized seminar on „Thermoelectric Properties of Sb2Te3-based Ferecrystals based on Atomic Layer Deposition“. Speaker: Prof. Kornelius Nielsch, IFW Dresden, Germany. 

12. 9. 2023 CEMNAT organized seminar on „Glasses doped with rare-earth ions and semiconductor quantum dots for energy and information technologies“. Speaker: prof. Jong Heo, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea.

1. 9. 2023 - 30. 11. 2023 Doctoral student MSc. Magdalena Gurgul (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland) carried out a 3-months research stay at CEMNAT within the Erasmus+ Programme. She focuses on the realization of ultrathin TiO2 layers for the preparation of functional nanoporous TiO2-SnOphotoanodes.

15.6.2023 journal ChemSusChem (published by Wiley) chose on the front cover of one of its volumes a following article of CEMNAT authors, led by Dr. Raul Zazpe, entitled„2D FeSx nanosheets by atomic layer deposition: Electrocatalytic properties for the hydrogen evolution reaction“ 

6. 6. 2023 Dr. Jan Macak ranks 7th position among the most cited Czech materials scientist in the recently published international scientific comparison on

9. - 12. 7. 2023 CEMNAT organized ECSSC 2023 : 18th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry ( in Prague

1. 2. 2023 Based on the results of the regular tender held in December 2022, prof. Tomas Wagner was appointed as the head of CEMNAT with effect from 1 February 2023.

6. 12 .2022 CEMNAT organized 5th Student workshop. The aim was to present CEMNAT facilities that may be suitable for the realization of students' own research works. As part of the workshop, they were introduced to the current offer of thematically focused educational courses on various techniques for the preparation and characterization of materials. In the form of short presentations, the operators presented some of the recently acquired equipment at CEMNAT together with examples of their use in solving scientific and research projects and the requirements of external users for the preparation and characterization of materials. At the end of the workshop, a tour of the CEMNAT laboratories took place for those interested.

11. 11. 2022 Dr. Slang gave lecture „Electron microscopy and EDS elemental analysis as cornerstones of materials research“ at the 17. Seminar for high school chemistry teachers at FCHT UPCE.

14. 9. 2022 CEMNAT organized a seminar on „Chalcogenide glasses and waveguides for infrared photonics“ (14.9.2022). Speaker: Dr. Jean-Luc Adam, Univ Rennes, CNRS, ISCR (Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes), Rennes, France

13. 9. 2022 CEMNAT hosted the 4th meeting of its International Scientific Advisory Board.
BOARD evaluated human development strategy, technology development strategy, feasibility strategy and cooperation strategy with public and private sector and provided recommendation for broadening of instrumental portfolio and pool of services offered to its users.

29. 6. 2022 CEMNAT organized the seminar „Novel amorphous materials for cutting-edge applications“. At this seminar organized as part of the NSF IRES project OISE-2106457, American students who completed internships at European workplaces involved in the project (besides CEMNAT Center for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, University of Rzeszow, Poland and Glasses and Ceramics Laboratory, Department of Chemistry , University of Rennes I, France) ) presented their results.

19. 6. 2022 CEMNAT scientists in cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Processes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Textile Testing Institute in Brno have developed a personal filter against SARS-CoV-19 that could be used in developing countries. The entire assembly, which can be packed into a backpack, does not use nanomaterials, but a commonly available polyester knit similar to a fleece blanket. The original solution of Czech scientists has now been published by the prestigious American journal PLOS One ( ) and has not escaped the attention of the media, see e.g.

10. 5. 2022 Peyton Daniel Simpson and Destiny Ann Mathews, students from Austin Peay State University (TN) USA, joined CEMNAT for a 7-week internship as part of NSF IRES project OISE-2106457. They will deal with the preparation and properties of solution-based non-toxic chalcogenide glasses.

31. 3. 2022 Dr. Lina Marcela Sepúlveda received „Parkhutik Prize“ for best poster entitled „Recent Advancements in Morphologies of TiO2 Nanotube Layers“ in the postdoc
category at conference Porous Semiconductors Science and Technology (PSST) Conference, Lido di Camaiore, Italy.

2. 12. - 3. 12. 2021 CEMNAT scientists, led by Dr. Fraenkel, together with the scientists of the Institute of Chemical Processes of the ASCR (Dr. Ondráček, Bc. Vrbík) and CTU (Dr. Vybíral) performed a comprehensive filter efficiency test on the sleeve filter developed at CEMNAT for capturing aerosol particles with a size of 20 to 10,000 nanometers. The test took place in the classroom, partly in the presence of students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Pardubice.

25. 11. 2021 CEMNAT was visited by Dr. Martina M Siwek, Science Director for Central and Eastern Europe, Office of Naval Research Global z Embassy of the United States, Prague, Czech Republic. The purpose of the visit was a bilateral meeting on cooperation in science, research and students education.

12.  11. 2021 A prototype of a "sleeve filter" designed and developed at CEMNAT, which, thanks to very low acquisition and operating costs, is intended for use in school classrooms, medical facilities, offices, etc. has been successfully tested. During the test, the filter's ability to evenly clean the classroom from test aerosol mist was demonstrated. An article by journalist Ondřej Krutílek was published in the national daily DNES on 16 November 2021 about the course of testing and the possibilities of the proposed filter.

26. 10. 2021 CEMNAT has received information that the National Science Foundation (USA) has decided to financially support the International Experiences for Students (IRES) grant OISE-2106457. CEMNAT, together with the Glasses and Ceramics Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Rennes I, France and the Center for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, University of Rzeszow; Poland will thus be involved in the education of American students in materials research of non-crystalline materials in the form of medium-term internships within the years 2022 to 2024.

30. 9. 2021 CEMNAT organized a seminar on "Opening doors of versatile surface modifications with plasma processes". Lecturer doc. Mgr. Lenka Zajíčková, Ph.D. from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Masaryk University in Brno.

21. – 22. 9. 2021 The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Greece, together with the Association of the Nanotechnology Industry of the Czech Republic, organized the event "Presentation of Czech Nanotechnology Manufacturers in Athens". Czech research in the field of nanotechnologies was represented here by Dr. Jan Macák, senior researcher at CEMNAT, FCHT, University of Pardubice and prof. Zlatuška, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics MU Brno. On the sidelines of the mission, negotiations were also held between the national investment and business support agencies CzechInvest and Enterprise Greece. More at Prezentace českých výrobců nanotechnologií v Athénách | Velvyslanectví České republiky v Athénách (

13. 9.2021 CEMNAT organized a seminar on "An Introduction to Source Apportionment". Lecturer prof. Philip K. Hopke, the Bayard D. Clarkson Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Clarkson University, and former Director of the Center for Air Resources Engineering and Science (CARES), and former Director of the Institute for a Sustainable Environment (USA).

2. 9. 2021 Researchers of the CEMNAT under the leadership of Dr. Jan Macák developed a special black layer for their dials for the needs of the Czech watch manufacturer Chronotechna, which absorbs up to 99 percent of the light. More at:

17. 6. 2021 Dr. Max Fraenkl, a CEMNAT researcher, gave a lecture to the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně at the Pardubice Regional Hospital on the current issue of reducing the spread of respiratory pathogens entitled "Protection against respiratory pathogens (SARS-Cov-2) by personal and indoor filtration"

15. 3. 2021 Ph.D. student Bilal Bawab, MSc. from Advanced Materials and Nanosciences PhD School, VUT Brno, Czech Republic started his 6-weeks long internship at CEMNAT. During his internship he will perform preparation and characterization of TiO2-based low-dimensional systems.

7. 12. 2020 Ph.D. student Mahnaz Alijani M. Eng. from Advanced Materials and Nanosciences PhD School, VUT Brno, Czech Republic started her 5-weeks long internship at CEMNAT. During her internship she will study synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes by electrochemical anodization.

4. 12. 2020 CEMNAT hosted 3rd meeting of its International Scientific Advisory Board. This on-line meeting consisted of the evaluation of the outputs based on the provided assessment report. The board outlined the 3rd report about the CEMNAT operation toward its further improvement and also evaluated the progress of CEMNAT based on the board recommendations from its previous meetings, that took place in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

24. 11. 2020 MUDr. Jan Vodička, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Pardubice Regional Hospital, gave to CEMNAT staff and other interested parties the lecture on taste investigation. The identification of taste disorders is suitable, inter alia, for the detection of neurological diseases.

17. 11. 2020 Dr. Milos Krbal (core CEMNAT employee) was awarded The University of Pardubice Rector´s Award for oustanding scientific achievements.

30. 10. 2020 Members of the “International Evaluation Panel of the University of Pardubice” visited CEMNAT in order to get acquainted with the activities of the center, solved projects and to see its modern facilities and equipment.

20. 10. 2020 CEMNAT organized an online seminar on "Introduction to the concept of anti-covid filter Phoenix 2.0". At the beginning of the seminar, a renowned Czech expert, Dr. Vladimír Ždímal lecture "Basics of aerosol filtration principles, selected properties and requirements for personal respiratory protective equipment". The concept of the personal filter "Phoenix 2.0" developed at CEMNAT in cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Processes of the ASCR and the Textile Testing Institute Brno was presented by Dr. Max Fraenkl. The seminar was attended by experts from both cooperating institutes and potential users (doctors, medical staff). The introduction of the filter can be seen at (in Czech)

14. 9. 2020 CEMNAT organized seminar “Advances in the micro XRF regarding a local elemental analysis complementary to an electron microscopy”. Speaker: Assoc.Prof. Tomáš Černohorský, Univerzity of  Pardubice.

15. 7. 2020 CEMNAT staff presented their prototype of personal filter (Phoenix Anti-Covid Filter) designed primarily for health professionals working in developing countries at the conference "Science and research in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 pandemic" with the subtitle "Research infrastructure as part of the state's critical infrastructure", which was organized by the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the RVVI, AS CR and the Czech Rectors' Conference.

31. 1. 2020 CEMNAT organized seminar “Chemical bonding and structural metastability in chalcogenide semiconductors“. Speaker: prof. Alexandr Kolobov, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

4. 12. 2019 CEMNAT will organize 4th Student workshop. Its goal will be to introduce to new students of materials-oriented postgraduate programs of the University of Pardubice activities of CEMNAT and in particular various instrumental techniques that is useful for the realization of their theses.

29. 6. 2019 Technology for production of SiO2 fibers, a joint result of cooperation between CEMNAT and Pardam Ltd., received a prestigious Techconnect Innovation Award 2019 at the prestigious trade Techconnec World Innovation Conference and Expo.
More here:

2. 5. 2019 CEMNAT was visited by ambassador of the Great Britain, his excellency, Mr. Nicholas Stewart Archer. Ongoing cooperations with British universities and the possibilities for further joint development of various nanomaterials were discussed.

29. - 30. 4. 2019 Dr. Jan Macák was a member of the delegation of leading Czech chemists (also from University of Chemistry in Prague and Brno University of Technology in Brno) to Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The purpose of this delegation was to establish a cooperation with this leading Asian university.More information:

16. 4. 2019 CEMNAT organized seminar “Selected 2D materials for applications in flexible nanoelectronics and nanomechanics of selected proteins at the single molecule level for applications in future cancer detection schemes”.  Speaker: Dr. Robert Szoszkiewicz, Assoc. Prof. of Physical Chemistry at University of Warsaw, Poland.

22. 2. 2019 CEMNAT organized seminar “Selected aspects of the photocatalysis using TiO2 nanomaterials”.  Speaker: prof. Bunsho Ohtani, Hokkaido University, Japan.

6. 12 .2018 CEMNAT organized 3rd Student workshop. Its goal was to introduce to new students of materials-oriented postgraduate programs of the University of Pardubice activities of CEMNAT and in particular various instrumental techniques that is useful for the realization of their theses.

20. 11. 2018 CEMNAT organized 1st “Stirring ERC ideas” workshop focused on the presentation and mutual discussion of joint research topics between ERC awardees and their research groups. The host group was the group of Dr. Petr Neugebauer, 2017 ERC Starting Grant awardee and leader in the field of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Hosting institution of this project is Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic.

16. 11. 2018 Research team of Dr. Jan Macak was awarded „Award of the Rector of the University of Pardubice for Fruitful Industrial Cooperation“, based on the successful cooperation with company Pardam Ltd. in the development and utilization of fibrous materials.

17. 10. 2018 CEMNAT will host for three months Mr. Serghei N. Curlat, PhD student from the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Biofarmaceutics, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. He received a scholarship from the International Visegrad Fund to work at CEMNAT on the project of mutual interest “Green chemistry synthesis and optical properties of chalcogenide quantum dots”.

20. 9. 2018 CEMNAT organized seminar “Titanium dioxide for Li-ion microbatteries: preparation and performance”. Speaker prof. Thierry Djenizian, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, Marseille, Francie.

19. 9. 2018 CEMNAT organized seminar “Possibilities of research cooperation between CEMNAT and the School of Material Science and Engineering of the Yeungnam University”. Speaker prof. Hee Young Lee from the Yeungnam University, South Korea.

17. 9. 2018 CEMNAT hosted the 1st Inaugural meeting of its International Scientific Advisory Board that consisted of the tour through the CEMNAT infrastructure, discussion with its staff, evaluation of the outputs and outlining the 1st report about the CEMNAT operation.

16. - 21. 9. 2018 CEMNAT organized (jointly with the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology) the 13th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry 2018, focused on various aspects of solid state chemistry. More details here:

December 2017 - CEMNAT was visited by the delegation of the Southwest University of Science and Technology from Mianyang, province Sichuan, People´s Republic of China (21.11.2017), headed by prorector Dr. Lu Zhongyuan. The purpose of the visit was a mutual discussion about the cooperation in research, development and education.

23. 11. 2017 - CEMNAT organized 2nd Student workshop. Its goal was to introduce to students of materials-oriented postgraduate programs of the University of Pardubice the newly installed instrumental techniques for the realization of their theses.

Files for download Size
Program - pdf 25 kB

November 2017 – CEMNAT was visited by the delegation of the Belarusian State Technology University from Minsk, Belarus (21.11.2017), headed by prorector Dr. Andrey Sakovich. The purpose of the visit was a mutual discussion about the cooperation in research, development and education.

October 2017 – Within a complex international assessment, CEMNAT was evaluated as an excellent infrastructure, providing base for various user groups in the OPEN-ACCESS regime. This highest possible assessment will enable CEMNAT in upcoming years to explore its activities in all research directions, in particular with regards to inter-sectorial cooperation with industry. Evaluation was carried by Ministry of Youth, Education and Sports of the Czech Republic for all research infrastructures present on the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures for years 2016-2022.

20. 9. 2017 – Mrs. Ng Siow Woon (Ph.D. student from the Universiti Sains Malaysia hosting at CEMNAT) received Best student talk award presented at the 2017 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit in Warsaw (Poland).

18. 9. 2017 – Within Erasmus program, CEMNAT will host for three months Mr. Martina Motola, Ph.D. student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). He will participate on the research of TiOnanotube layers and their applications for solar cells.

June 2017 - CEMNAT established for its own evaluation an International Advisory Board, consisting of leading scientist active in research fields of CEMNAT:

Members (alphabetically ordered):
Dr. Jean-Luc Adam - University of Rennes, France
Prof. Stephen Elliot - University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Prof. Himanshu Jain - Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Dr. Pavel Krečmer - CEITEC, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Prof. Josef Krýsa  - University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic

7. 6. 2017 - CEMNAT organized seminar „Exploring glass surface with high-resolution XPS: Applications and Limitations“. Speaker prof. Andriy Kovalskiy, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN, USA.

30. 5. 2017 - Research teams of CEMNAT (led by Dr. Jan Macak) and company Pardam Ltd.were awarded prize „Best cooperation of 2017“ for the successful  realization of project  „Technology for production of advanced nanostructured SiO2 fibers” (TA04011557, financed by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic). More information can be found here:

13. 4. 2017 - CEMNAT participated on workshop NANODAY Pardubice. The goal of this event, organized for a wide public, was to introduce various nanotechnologies and their uses for everyday´s life.   
Information and media reports of this event:

21. 3. 2017 - CEMNAT organized seminar„Photoinduced phenomena in  pure Chalcogenide and Ag/Chalcogenide Heterostructure“ Speaker Dr. Pritam Khan, PhD, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Japan.

February 2017 – CEMNAT became member of an industrial cluster NANOPROGRES that connects more than 40 Czech companies, active in the development, production and application of nanomaterials. This opens for CEMNAT numerous opportunities to actively cooperate on various scientific challenges, that are important for strategic needs of those companies. More can be found here:

31. 12. 2016 - CEMNAT staff successfully finished applicaiton-oriented project with company PARDAM Ltd..  (provider Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, call ALFA, nr.TA04011557). The goal of the project was to develop an industrial production of SiO2 fibers:
Information and related media reports:

10. 11. 2016 - CEMNAT organized ALD workshop.  Its goal was to introduce unique capabilites of this technique for atomic layer deposition (ALD) to wide public. Workshop program to be downloaded here

20. 10. 2016 - CEMNAT organized 1st student workshop. Its goal was to introduce all research directions and acitivies of CEMNAT to students of materials-oriented postgraduate programms.  Introduced were also instrumental techniques for realization of students theses. Workshop program to be downloaded here.

11. 8. 2016 - Dr. Jan Macák was a guest of the radio-broadcast of Czech Radio within the program „Magazín Leonardo“.
The record of the broadcast can be listened here (starting from the 13th minute, in Czech):

16. 5.-15. 6. 2016 - Prof. Andriy Kovalskiy, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN, USA, stayed as a visiting professor at CEMNAT. Prof. Kovalskiy focuses on: atomic and electronic structure of non-oxide glasses and amorphous thin films (EXAFS, XANES, XPS, Raman, positron annihilation); structural dynamics in glasses; interaction of light and ionizing radiation with amorphous solids; surface science in application to solid state disordered media; gray-scale photolithography and electron-beam nanostructuring on glasses; amorphous optical IR materials for micro- and nanophotonics.

May 2016 - CEMNAT was visited by the delegation of the Universiti Sains Malaysia from Penang, Malaysia (5. 5. 1016) and one day after another delegation from the Kao Yuan University in Kaohsiungu, Tchaiwan. Both were accompanied by the top management of the University of Pardubice

October 2015 - Magazine ECHO published by Technology Center of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republics published a special issues about successful ERC grantees, including Dr. Jan Macak.
To be downloaded here (in Czech):

October 2015 - CEMNAT reaches an important milestone for its development. It was listed on Roadmap of Large infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022
More information here:

May 2015 - Dr. Jan Macak, senior researcher and group leader of CEMNAT received prestigious Neuron Award for young researcher in the field of chemistry.
More information here (in Czech):

In connection to that, he was invited on the 5. 6. 2015 as a guest of the Hyde Park Civilizace program of the Czech Television .
Record of the broadcast to be seen here (in Czech):

1. 3. 2015 - launch of the starting grant of the European Research CHROMTISOL obtained by Dr. Jana Macak. CEMNAT hosts the grant.
More information here: (in Czech)

1. 3. 2013 - beginning of the reconstruction of old premises of University of Pardubice on nam. Cs. Legii into modern materials science center CEMNAT