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Research of materials with emphasis on their fundamental study and applicability in the field of the chemical and pharmaceutical technology

Provider: Univerzita Pardubice
Programme: Studentská grantová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.25 - 31.12.25
Investigator: Košťálová Daniela
Team member: Bulánek Roman | Komersová Alena | Málek Jiří | Dohnalová Žaneta | Honcová Pavla | Shánělová Jana | Frolich Karel | Hájek Martin | Smoláková Lucie
The project is a joint project of two research departments, the Department of Physical Chemistry and the Department of Inorganic Technology. The scientific and research goals are focused on 4 main topics, namely catalysis, pharmacochemistry, the study of amorphous materials and the study of inorganic pigments. As for the research goals dealing with the topic of catalysis, the research will be focused mainly on the preparation and description of the properties of new promising catalysts, as well as the study of the adsorption properties of zeolite structures will be carried out. In the area of research focused on pharmacokinetic studies, the research of enterosolvent capsules will continue and the selected pharmaceutical substances will be further subjected to the thermokinetic research and the characterization with an emphasis on the study of the kinetics of crystallization in amorphous drugs and other additives will be performed. In the area of research of amorphous materials, various physical properties will be investigated, such as viscosity, surface tension and diffusion. The description of crystal growth in the amorphous samples will be another goal of this research area. The last topic of the project represents the study of inorganic pigments. Their preparation, description of properties and characterization will be performed.