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Registration for the 56th Conference of the International Circle will be open from 5 May 2025.

Participants of the IC conference have the option to choose the rate increased by 100 €, which entitles them to attend the iarigai conference sessions as well. Students enrolled in a college or university can register at the reduced student rate. The Early Bird rate applies for registrations with payments received by 31 July 2025 at the latest.


Conference participants
IC conference, Regular350 €
IC and iarigai conference, 
450 €
Student, Early Bird200 €
Student, Regular250 €

Accompanying persons
Regular250 €

All fees for conference participants include:

  • Welcome reception
  • Attendance at all conference presentations, including keynotes
  • Conference materials
  • Lunches and refreshments on all conference days
  • Conference dinner   
  • Conference tour

Fees for accompanying persons include: 

  • Welcome reception
  • Conference dinner   
  • Conference tour