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Termomechanical Analysis

  • TMA CX03 (RMI, Czech Republic)
    • Temperature region: -50 – 800 °C
    • Applied force: 1mN – 1 N
  • TMA Q400EM (TA Instruments, USA)
    • Temperature region: -150 – 1000 °C
    • Applied force: 1mN – 1 N
    • TMA and DMA mode


Usage – measurement of thermal expansion coefficient, viscosity in supercooled melts, study of structural relaxation and crystallization


  • Olympus BX51 equipped with DP72 camera (Olympus, Japan) operated in visible region
    • Magnification 50-100x
  • Olympus BX51 equipped with XM10 camera (Olympus, Japan) operated in infrared region
    • Magnification 50-100x
  • Linkam heating stage – for insitu samples annealing in the temperature region of -160 do 600 °C
  • StereoMicroscope (IntracoMicro, Czech Republic)
    • Magnification 0,1-10x
  • DinoLite camera with long working distance


Usage – study of crystal morphology and growth, nucleation, particle size analysis, surface tension by droplet profile analysis

Differential scanning calorimetry:

  • DSC Sensys Evo equipped with 3D sensor (Setaram, USA)
    • Temperature range: 15-800 °C
  • Heat Flow DSC Q2000 (TA Instruments, USA)
    • Temperature range: -70-720 °C
    • Photocalorimeter accessory


Usage – study of processes with heat transfer (structural relaxation, crystallization, phase transformation, decomposition, ….), measurements of heat capacities

Simultaneous thermal analysis:

  • STA 449 F5 Jupiter (Netzsch, Germany)
    • Simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis
    • Measurement modes: DSC-TG; DTA-TG
    • Temperature range: 25-1600 °C


Usage – study of processes with mass and heat transfer (drying, thermal decomposition, oxidation, ….)

Raman spectroscopy:

  • Nicolet DXR Raman Spetrometer (Nicolet, USA)
    • Combination of Raman spectroscopy and microscopy equipped with laser of wavelength of 785 nm – magnification up to 50x
    • In-situ heating stage operating in temperature range of 25-300 °C


Usage – materials structure characterization


  • Hysitron TI Premier (Bruker, Germany)
    • Nanoindentation with Berkovich indenter
    • Applied force: 75 nN – 10 mN
    • DMA analysis (frequency 0,1 – 300 Hz)
    • In-situ heating stage operating in temperature range of 25-600 °C


Usage – study of viscoelastic properties of solids, viscosity, surface selfdiffusion