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Prof. Čapek’s group participated and presented the research results from the field of heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis in international conferences along with colleagues from IET VŠB-TUO and other colleagues from the Czech Republic, which whom we closely cooperate. The conference 1st Central and Eastern European Conference on Physical Chemistry & Materials Science (CEEC-PCMS1) took place in Croatian Split and the conference 15th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis was held in Polish Jastrzębie Góre. We were also happy about the meeting with our ex-colleague, which was a member of our group for several years.

Ing. Vendula Meinhardová, Ing. Lada Dubnová, and Ing. Helena Drobná, Ph. D., together with the team of Prof. Kamila Kočí from VŠB-IET, with whom they closely cooperate, participated in the 11th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis, held in Turino, Italy.