Surface chemistry and catalysis group (inventory list)
- FTIR spectrometr Nicolet 6700 a iS50 (Thermo Scientific, USA)
- DR UV-vis Nicolet spectrometr (Thermo Scientific, USA)
- Dispersive Raman spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, USA)
- ASAP 2020 (Micromeritics, USA)
- Nízkoteplotní mikrokalorimetr Tian-Calvet BT2.15 (Setaram, France)
- Vakuové mikrováhy MK5 (CI Precision)
- Autochem 2910 (Micromeritics, USA)
- Mikro-reaktor with online chromatographic analysis (Agilent, USA)
- Reactor with on-line chromatographic analysis (Agilent 7890A)
Kinetic phenomena in glass-forming systems group (inventory list)
- TMA CX03 (RMI, Czech Republic)
- TMA Q400EM (TA Instruments, USA)
- Olympus BX51 equipped with DP72 camera (Olympus, Japan) operated in visible region
- Olympus BX51 equipped with XM10 camera (Olympus, Japan) operated in infrared region
- Linkam heating stage – for insitu samples annealing in the temperature region of -160 do 600 °C
- StereoMicroscope (IntracoMicro, Czech Republic)
- DinoLite camera with long working distance
- DSC Sensys Evo equipped with 3D sensor (Setaram, USA)
- Heat Flow DSC Q2000 (TA Instruments, USA)
- STA 449 F5 Jupiter (Netzsch, Germany)
- Nicolet DXR Raman Spetrometer (Nicolet, USA)
- Hysitron TI Premier (Bruker, Germany)
Conversion of oil into valuable products group (inventory list)
- Pressure mini reactor (Parr, USA)
- Batch Reactor (IKA, Germany)
- GC-2010 s FID a GC-2041 s TPD (Shimadzu, Japonsko)
- HPLC (Ecom Praha)
- Flame photomether (The Sherwood Model 410)
- Analytics TitroLine
Applied chemical kinetics and pharmacokinetics group (inventory list)
- Sotax AT 7 Smart off-line- dissolution apparatus (Allschwil, Switzerland)
- HPLC system- HPLC chromatograph (Ecom Prague, Czech Republic)
- UV VIS spectrophotometer (HP Agilant 8453)