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Published: 17.03.2014

Inovace a interdisciplinární propojení
výuky v oblastech energetických
materiálů a realizace staveb


Přednáška ve čtvrtek 20. 3. 2014 v 9:00 v učebně ÚEnM


prof. Dr. Michel Lefebvre:
(Laboratory for Energetic Materials, Royal Military Academy, Brusel)


Ammonium Nitrate: Use and Misuse


Ammonium nitrate (AN) is commonly present on the world market as fertilizing agent (fertilizer grade) and as main ingredient in explosive formulations (technical grade). The lecture will deal with the explosive properties of ammonium nitrate, both fertilizer and technical grade. An abridged presentation of the basic physical and chemical characteristics of AN will be given. Although being able to detonate, AN is – according to international regulations – classified as oxidizing agent. Nevertheless, AN does possess clear explosive properties and can be considered as a “non‐ideal” explosive. The lecture will focus on two specific topics:

‐ “Normal” use of AN in commercial explosive formulations: Large stockpiles of AN become a major safety concern for all economic actors involved in the production, transport, storage and post‐processing of AN. Risks associated with AN will be highlighted during the lecture.

‐ “Illegal” use of AN: because of its explosive properties and its easy procurement, AN is unfortunately used by offender. In this context, the frontier between fertilizer and technical grades is rather thin.