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Published: 30.11.2012


Elektroanalytická skupina Katedry analytické chemie FChT vás srdečně zve na přednášku, která se uskuteční v jednací místnosti KAlCh (HB/C, 4. podlaží)

v úterý 4. prosince od 13:00



Otto S. Wolfbeis

Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg (Germany)

The classical Clark electrode has experienced fierce competition in recent years by optical methods for sensing oxygen. The talk will cover the principles of optical sensing of oxygen using fluorescent probes, the materials used (from probes to polymers), the spectroscopic methods (such as measurement of intensity or decay time, imaging) and the applications of the new technology to specific situations. Examples include planar sensors, fiber optic (micro)sensors, sensor coatings to measure air pressure, biosensors based on the use of oxidases, and sensing oxygen in tumorous skin and during photodynamic therapy.  Recent advances in new sensor materials (such as sensor nanoparticles for intracellular sensing of oxygen, and of upconversion nanoparticles that convert NIR light into visible light) are also presented.


Otto S. Wolfbeis (born 1947) is a Professor of Analytical and Interface Chemistry at the University of Regensburg. His research focuses on optical (fiber) chemical sensors, fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescent probes and labels, and on luminescent nanomaterials. He has authored >500 articles and reviews that have been cited >14,000 times, and his h-index is around 64. He has edited a book on Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, was the Founding Editor of the Springer Series on Fluorescence and the Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, is the Editor-in-Chief of Microchimica Acta, and one of the ten curators of Angewandte Chemie.  Several sensors developed in his group have been commercialized (www.presens.de). Also see www.wolfbeis.de