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Silicon substrate pretreatment and plasma polymer film deposition monitored by in-situ ellipsometry
Autoři: Mistrík Jan
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Abstracts of the11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 2008
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Předúprava křemenných substrátů a in-situ elipsometrická studie růstu polymerních vrstev plasmovou polymerací Práce diskutuje předúpravu křemenných substrátů v Ar A O2 plasmatu a současně sleduje pomocí in-situ elipsometre růst polymerních vrstev plasmovou polymerací. elipsometrie, teplotně závislá dielektrická funkce Si, povrchová předúprava substrátu, plazmová aktivace
eng Silicon substrate pretreatment and plasma polymer film deposition monitored by in-situ ellipsometry In this study, the effect of annealing and plasma pretreatment of silicon substrate (Si wafer (100)) and the growth of plasma polymer film were investigated using in situ spectroscopic and multiwavelength phase?modulated ellipsometry. The measured data were analyzed and interpreted in order to obtain information about near?surface structure of the substrate, optical constants of the growing film, and the sample temperature. The silicon substrate mounted on heated bottom electrode was annealed up to 200 oC under argon gas of 2 Pa in order to clean the wafer surface. Temperature of the wafer was monitored by spectroscopic ellipsometry making the use of temperature dependent spectral shift of Si critical point E1 (~ 3.4 eV). The plasma pretreatment of the annealed silicon substrate was carried out in a capacitive coupled RF plasma deposition system. The substrate was exposed to O2? and Ar?plasma for 10 min at an RF power of 50 W, a flow rate of 10 sccm, and a corresponding self-bias of 500 V. Ellipsometric spectra, measured in a range of 250 ? 800 nm, were acquired every 30 sec using a multiwavelength mode. A sample model was proposed, consisting of silicon substrate which optical properties were parameterized by the Kato?Adachi dispersion equation, partly amorphized interlayer modeled by effective medium approximation as a mixture of amorphous and crystalline silicon, and the stoichiometric silicon oxide layer. The thickness of both the model layers and the percentage of the amorphous fraction were subjected to fit procedure in order to analyze the structure evolution during annealing and plasma pretreatment. Plasma polymer films of tetravinylsilane were deposited at different powers on the pretreated silicon substrate. A realistic model of the sample structure was used to analyze ellipsometric spectra and the model comprised the pretreated substrate of known structure, plasma polymer film, and an overlayer modeled as effective medium with fixed ratio (50%) of a ellipsometry;silikon substrate;surface treatment;plasma activation;dielectric function of Si