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Correlation between mechanical, optical and chemical properties of thin films deposited by PECVD
Autoři: Čech | Studýnka | Čechalová | Mistrík Jan | Zemek
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Surface and Coatings Technology
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science SA
Místo vydání: Lausanne
Strana od-do: 5572-5575
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Korelace mechanických, optických a chemických vlastností tenkých vrstev deponovaných PECVD Prace je zaměřena na určení korelace mechanických, optických a chemických vlastností tenkých vrstev viniltrietoxysilanu deponovaných PECVD. elipsometrie;PECVD;FTIR;plasmová polymerace;fotoelektronová spektroskopie
eng Correlation between mechanical, optical and chemical properties of thin films deposited by PECVD Plasma-polymerized films of vinyltriethoxysilane were prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using an RF (13.56 MHz) helical coupling plasma system operated in a pulsed regime. Thin films deposited under the same deposition conditions but with different thicknesses (9.5 nm?10.5 μm) wereanalyzed with respect to mechanical, optical, and chemical properties. All the films exhibited a layered structure. The overlayer at the film surface with a thickness (0.9?34 nm) dependent on the sample thickness was revealed by AFM, nanoindentation, and ellipsometry. A gradient behavior of the refractive index and the Young's modulus within the overlayer was related to the surface morphology of the films. A gradient interlayer at the substrate was also discussed. ellipsometry;Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy;photoelectron spectroscopy;PECVD;plasma polymerization