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Some physical properties of Li2O-TiO2-TeO2 and BaO-TiO2-TeO2 glasses
Autoři: Ožďanová Jitka | Tichá Helena | Tichý Ladislav
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Advanced Materials Research
Název nakladatele: Trans Tech Publications
Místo vydání: Zürich - Uetikon
Strana od-do: 185-188
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Některé fzyikální vlastnosti Li2O-TiO2-TeO2 a BaO-TiO2-TeO2 skel Li2O-TiO2-TeO2 a BaO-TiO2-TeO2 skla byla připravena a zkoumány jejich vlastnosti.
eng Some physical properties of Li2O-TiO2-TeO2 and BaO-TiO2-TeO2 glasses Homogeneous yellowish and well transparent glasses (Li2O)x(TiO2)x(TeO2)1-2x and (BaO)x(TiO2)x(TeO2)1-2x , (x = 0.075, 0.1, 0.125) were prepared from corresponding oxides (purity 99+%). For prepared glasses the optical gap values were found in the region 3.2 eV ? 3.4 eV and the temperature (T) coefficient of the optical gap (&#947;) varies in the narrow region 5.3×10-4 eV/K to 5.9×10-4 eV/K for 300 K < T < 580 K. Estimated values of non-linear refractive index (n2) were found in the region n2 [m2W-1] = 2.7×10-18 ? 3.5×10-18 close to n2 values for similar glasses. Raman spectra measured indicate that connectivity of (BaO)x(TiO2)x(TeO2)1-2x network is more evolved than that one for (Li2O)x(TiO2)x(TeO2)1-2x glasses. TiO2 most probably assists to continuous network formation due to appearance of Te-O-Ti bridges. Tellurite glasses;Raman spectra;Optical band gap