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Publikace detail

Kinetic Phenomena in Non-crystalline Materials Studied by Thermal Analysis
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Název nakladatele: Springer
Strana od-do: 289-297
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Kinetic Phenomena in Non-crystalline Materials Studied by Thermal Analysis The structural relaxation and viscosity behavior of Ge38S62 glass has been studied by thermomechanical analysis. The relaxation response to any thermal history is well described by the Tool-Naraynaswamy-Moynihan model. The apparent activation energy of structural relaxation is very close to the activation energy of viscous flow (Eç = 478?12 kJ mol-1). However, the activation energy of crystal growth obtained by optical microscopy is about one half of this value. xxxx
eng Kinetic Phenomena in Non-crystalline Materials Studied by Thermal Analysis The structural relaxation and viscosity behavior of Ge38S62 glass has been studied by thermomechanical analysis. The relaxation response to any thermal history is well described by the Tool-Naraynaswamy-Moynihan model. The apparent activation energy of structural relaxation is very close to the activation energy of viscous flow (Eç = 478?12 kJ mol-1). However, the activation energy of crystal growth obtained by optical microscopy is about one half of this value. chalkogenide glasses, crystallization, glass transition, kinetic models, structural relaxation, viscosity