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Flux and Retention in Cross-flow Microfiltration with Periodic Membrane Backflushing : Pore narrowing Model for Partially Retentive Membranes
Autoři: Cakl Jiří | Doleček Petr | Jiránková Hana | Mikulášek Petr
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the Membrane Science and Technology Conference of the Visegrad Countries with Wider International Participation PERMEA 2003
Název nakladatele: Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering
Místo vydání: Bratislava, SK
Strana od-do: P10.1
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Flux and Retention in Cross-flow Microfiltration with Periodic Membrane Backflushing : Pore narrowing Model for Partially Retentive Membranes A physical model is presented for the prediction of permeate flux and solute retention in cross-flow microfiltration with periodic membrane backflushing with the key assumptions that during the forward filtration portion of cycle the process is described by dead-end filtration theory and that backflushing causes instantaneous and complete cleaning of the membrane. mikrofiltrace;flux;retence membrán;zpětné promývání
eng Flux and Retention in Cross-flow Microfiltration with Periodic Membrane Backflushing : Pore narrowing Model for Partially Retentive Membranes A physical model is presented for the prediction of permeate flux and solute retention in cross-flow microfiltration with periodic membrane backflushing with the key assumptions that during the forward filtration portion of cycle the process is described by dead-end filtration theory and that backflushing causes instantaneous and complete cleaning of the membrane. microfiltration;permeate flux;membrane retention;backflushing