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Some Properties of Very Thin Bi2Te3 Layers Prepared by Laser Ablation
Autoři: Zeipl R | Pavelka M | Jelínek M | Chval J | Lošťák Petr | Žďánský K | Vaniš J | Karamazov Simeon | Vacková S | Walachová J
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Phys. Stat. Sol. (c)
Název nakladatele: WILEY-VCH
Místo vydání: Germany
Strana od-do: 867-871
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Some properties of very thin Bi2Te3 layers prepared by laser ablation . tetradymite crystals;laser ablation;
eng Some Properties of Very Thin Bi2Te3 Layers Prepared by Laser Ablation Thin layers of Bi2Te3 60nm thickness were prepared by laser ablation in vacuum using KrF excimer laser. The energy of laser varied from 300 to 680 mJ and the laser energy density from 2 to 10 J cm^-2. The substrate temperature varied for different deposions in the interval of 20-500°C. The influence of preperation conditions on Hall mobility, concentration of charge carriers and conductivity at room temperature is presented. Information about morphology and composition of prepared layers is given. .