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Pressure Tuning the Ferromagnetic Transition in Vanadium Doped Sb2 Te3
Autoři: Dyck JS | Ahilan K | Švanda Pavel | Lošťák Petr | Aronson MC | Uher Ctirad
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Název nakladatele: American Physical Society
Místo vydání: College Park
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Pressure tuning the ferromagnetic transition in vanadium doped Sb2 Te3 diluted magnetic semiconductors;tetradymite-type semiconductors;
eng Pressure Tuning the Ferromagnetic Transition in Vanadium Doped Sb2 Te3 Recently, we discovered a new class of diluted magnetic semiconductors that differ from the traditional Mn-doped In-Vor II-VI compounds in a number of intriguing ways. The narrow band gap tetradymite-type semiconductors with the form ArBjl (A = Sb, Bi and B = Se, Te) are normally associated with thermoelectric cooling devices. However, bulk, single crystals of Sb2-x V x Te3 display a ferromagnetic transition at low temperatures. We present data on the pressure dependence of the Curie temperature and electrical resistivity of Sb1.97 V 0.03 Te3. The great sensitivity of the Curie temperature to pressure appears to be related to a modification of the band structure and the hole carrier spectrum.