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Some Physical Properties of Hf-doped Sb2Te3 Single Crystals
Autoři: Plecháček Tomáš | Navrátil Jiří | Hájek Pavel | Krejčová Anna | Lošťák Petr
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Book Of Abstracts
Název nakladatele: International Thermoelectric Society
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cze Some physical properties of Hf-doped Sb2Te3 single crystals reflectance;tetradymite structure;
eng Some Physical Properties of Hf-doped Sb2Te3 Single Crystals Single crystals of Hf-doped Sb2Te3 were prepared by a modified Bridgman method. The obtained crystals were characterized by the measurements of the reflectance R in the plasma resonance frequency region. Values of the plasma resonance frequency, wp, were determined by fitting the reflectance spectra using the relations for the real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric function, following from the Drude-Zener theory. From the observed changes in the value wp it was concluded that the doping of Hf atoms into the crystal structure of Sb2Te3 results in a decrease in the concentration of free current carriers - holes. This conclusion was confirmed by the measurement of temperature dependencies of the Hall coefficient RH, electrical conductivity s, and the Seebeck coefficient a, within the temperature range of 100-400K. Moreover, temperature dependences of the power factor and mobility of free carriers are discussed.