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Effect of Water Conductivity on Chlorofyline Reaction with Free Radicals
Autoři: Skalický Jiří | Kovařík Jakub | Kanďár Roman | Štěpánková Šárka | Zdražilová Pavla | Votruba Miloš
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Sborník konference Vitamíny 2003
Název nakladatele: Radanal s. r. o Pardubice
Místo vydání:
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv vodivosti vody na průběh reakce chlorofylinu s volnými radikály free radicals, chlorophyllin, water conductivity
eng Effect of Water Conductivity on Chlorofyline Reaction with Free Radicals Chlorophyllin (sodium-cuprum salt of chlorophyll) is able to take part in oxidation - reduction reactions. This ability is used in method for measurement of free radicals (Sevapharma comp.). We were interested how the analytical conditions of the reaction are influenced by different conductivity (G) of water used in this reaction. Four different samples of water were tested (the range of G = 0.1 - 14. microS). The characteristics of absorbance spectra of standards were estimated using Diode-array spectrograph HP 8452 A, Hewlett Packard, USA to compare to each other. The best results were obtained using the water of low conductivity (G = 0.1 microS). The reaction of chlorophyllin and free radicals seems to be competitive one in this conditions and the presence of other ions (able be donators of electrons, too) resulted in the broad of spectra maximum. free radicals, chlorophyllin, water conductivity