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Wall Shear Stress at the Membrane Surface and at the Surface of Plexiglass
Autoři: Velikovská Pavlína | Mikulášek Petr | Legentilhomme P. | Comiti J. | Jaouen P.
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series A, Faculty of Chemical Technology
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 197-210
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Wall Shear Stress at the Membrane Surface and at the Surface of Plexiglass The wall shear stress is determined at the surface of a plane ceramic ultrafiltration membrane in a tangential ultrafiltration module. In a first time, the shear stresses are determined at the surface of a plate of Plexiglas mimicking a membrane and at the plane membrane surface without fouling particles with the aim to investigate the influence of permeation. In a second time, the wall shear stress is determined at the surface of the plane membrane during the ultrafiltration of a suspension of spherical no compressible particles inducing a deposit at the membrane surface. The values of the mean wall shear stress and its fluctuations (turbulent intensity rate) were measured by using an electrochemical method. ultrafiltrační modul;elektrochemická metoda;střihové napětí na stěně
eng Wall Shear Stress at the Membrane Surface and at the Surface of Plexiglass The wall shear stress is determined at the surface of a plane ceramic ultrafiltration membrane in a tangential ultrafiltration module. In a first time, the shear stresses are determined at the surface of a plate of Plexiglas mimicking a membrane and at the plane membrane surface without fouling particles with the aim to investigate the influence of permeation. In a second time, the wall shear stress is determined at the surface of the plane membrane during the ultrafiltration of a suspension of spherical no compressible particles inducing a deposit at the membrane surface. The values of the mean wall shear stress and its fluctuations (turbulent intensity rate) were measured by using an electrochemical method. ultrafiltration module;electrochemical method;wall shear stress