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Testing the Cell for Measurement of Diffusivity in Liquids
Autoři: Palatý Zdeněk | Žáková Alena
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly
Název nakladatele: Croatian Society of Chemical Engineering Technology
Místo vydání: Záhřeb
Strana od-do: 135-138
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Testing the Cell for Measurement of Diffusivity in Liquids For the measurement of diffusion coefficients in liquids a method has been suggested where the time dependence of the component concentration in a small volume of the solvent, which is in the contact with the solution inside the vertical bundle of capillaries plugged at the lower end, is monitored. This method has been tested using sulfuric acid, which diffusivity is published. It has been found that the calculated values of acid concentration are in good agreement with those obtained experimentally. The calculated values have been obtained by a numerical solution of Fick?s second law, the concentration dependence of diffusivity of sulfuric acid in the capillaries being considered. kyselina sírová;difúzivita;difuzní cela
eng Testing the Cell for Measurement of Diffusivity in Liquids For the measurement of diffusion coefficients in liquids a method has been suggested where the time dependence of the component concentration in a small volume of the solvent, which is in the contact with the solution inside the vertical bundle of capillaries plugged at the lower end, is monitored. This method has been tested using sulfuric acid, which diffusivity is published. It has been found that the calculated values of acid concentration are in good agreement with those obtained experimentally. The calculated values have been obtained by a numerical solution of Fick?s second law, the concentration dependence of diffusivity of sulfuric acid in the capillaries being considered. sulfuric acid;diffusivity;diffusion cell