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Corrosion-inhibitive Behavior of the Calcium-zinc and Strontium-zinc Borophosphate Glass-crystalline Pigments in Water-borne Coating Formulations
Autoři: Mošner Petr | Kalendová Andréa | Koudelka Ladislav | Veselý David
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 34th International conference on coatings technology
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 143-151
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Corrosion-inhibitive Behavior of the Calcium-zinc and Strontium-zinc Borophosphate Glass-crystalline Pigments in Water-borne Coating Formulations Mixtures of the glassy and crystalline forms of borophosphate pigments of the composition 20CaO-30ZnO-20B2O3-30P2O5 and 20SrO-30ZnO-20B2O3-30P2O5 were prepared. Standard tests were used for the evaluation of corrosion-inhibition properties. corrosion inhibitors, anticorrosive pigments, anticorrosive paints
eng Corrosion-inhibitive Behavior of the Calcium-zinc and Strontium-zinc Borophosphate Glass-crystalline Pigments in Water-borne Coating Formulations Mixtures of the glassy and crystalline forms of borophosphate pigments of the composition 20CaO-30ZnO-20B2O3-30P2O5 and 20SrO-30ZnO-20B2O3-30P2O5 were prepared. Standard tests were used for the evaluation of corrosion-inhibition properties. corrosion inhibitors, anticorrosive pigments, anticorrosive paints