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Fluidization of Spherical Particle Beds with Boger Fluids
Autoři: Machač Ivan | Comiti Jacques | Brokl Pavel | Šiška Bedřich
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Transaction of The Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design
Název nakladatele: Institution of Chemical Engineers
Místo vydání: London
Strana od-do: 1217-1221
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Fluidization of Spherical Particle Beds with Boger Fluids The course of expansion of spherical particle beds fluidized with Boger fluids was investigated in the creeping flow region. The non-linear shape of expansion curves indicates the transition of uniform fluidization state to an aggregative one due to the liquid elasticity. fluidace;Bogerovy kapaliny;kulové částice;průběh expanze
eng Fluidization of Spherical Particle Beds with Boger Fluids The course of expansion of spherical particle beds fluidized with Boger fluids was investigated in the creeping flow region. The non-linear shape of expansion curves indicates the transition of uniform fluidization state to an aggregative one due to the liquid elasticity. fluidization;Boger fluids;spherical particle;expansion course