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Identification of adsorption forms by FTIR spectroscopy for crotonaldehyde, furan and maleic anhydride on Mo-V oxide catalysts
Autoři: Drobná Helena | Lochař Václav | Tichý Josef
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Fundamental and Technical Aspects of Spectroscopy of Catalysts under Working Conditions
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze xxx
eng Identification of adsorption forms by FTIR spectroscopy for crotonaldehyde, furan and maleic anhydride on Mo-V oxide catalysts In situ spectroscopic investigation of surface species have important insights into the reaction intermediates for reaction pathways. FTIR spectroscopy is one of a few techniques capable of detecting surface compounds in heterogeneous systems. There are many adsorption bands (a. bands) near 1850 and 1780 cm-1 due to í(C=O) with different intensity in the spectra collected during the adsorption of maleic anhydride on Mo-V oxide catalyst. It seems to be only condensed and week physically adsorbed maleic anhydride on catalyst surface. In a contrast to maleic anhydride, the form of crotonaldehyde and furan adsorption depends on a type of catalyst. No a. bands according to the IR spectra of adsorbed furan indicated that furan is neither adsorbed nor condensed on the poor MoO3. Physical adsorption has major concern in the interaction of crotonaldehyde with surface of catalyst, especially Mo-V-Ox/SiO2. Stable surface complex (probably đ-complex) is found only during the adsorption of crotonaldehyd on MoO3 (a. bands 1634, 1276, 1172, 1124 and 1085 cm-1). This complex reacts at higher temperatures to form other coumpounds, for example carboxylic acids. Carboxylates and consecutively maleic anhydride are products of reaction between crotonaldehyde and active sites of V2O5 surface at high temperatures in the atmosphere of reaction gas. FTIR spectroscopy, crotonaldehyde, furan, maleic anhydride