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Identification of Adsorption Forms by FTIR Spectroscopy for D3-acetonitrile on Mixed Mo-V Oxides
Autoři: Lochař Václav | Bartoš Jiří | Drobná Helena
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: APHYS-2003, 1st International Meeting on Applied Physics
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze FTIR spektroskopie, d3-acetonitril, kyselá centra
eng Identification of Adsorption Forms by FTIR Spectroscopy for D3-acetonitrile on Mixed Mo-V Oxides In situ spectroscopic investigation of surface species have important insights into the reaction intermediates for reaction pathways. FTIR spectroscopy is one of a few techniques capable of detecting surface compounds in heterogeneous systems . In the present study we will conduct an IR spectra of adsorption forms of d3-acetonitrile to investigate surface acidity of the mixed Mo-V oxides. For Mo-V mixed oxides d3-acetonitrile sorption seems to indicate primaly interaction with Lewis acid sites, although Brönsted acid sites are to be expected with these oxides. D3-acetonitrile was also physisorbed on Mo-V oxides via hydrogen bonds with surface hydroxyls. FTIR spectroscopy, d3-acetonitrile, acid sites