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Fluidization of Non-spherical Particle Beds with Viscoelastic Fluids
Autoři: Bendová Helena | Teichman Roman | Šiška Bedřich | Machač Ivan
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering
Název nakladatele: Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering
Místo vydání: Bratislava, SK
Strana od-do: IEP10
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Fluidization of Non-spherical Particle Beds with Viscoelastic Fluids The course of expansion of beds of non-spherical particles with sphericity greater than 0.76 fluidized with non-Newtonian liquids of different measure of pseudoplasticity and elasticity was investigated in columns with circular or rectangular cross-sections. The relationships based on the Carreau viscosity model have been proposed for description of fluidization with viscoelastic polymer solutions in the both creeping and transition flow regions. fluidace pevná fáze-kapalina;viskoelastické roztoky polymerů;vrstvy nekulových částic;anomální průběh expanze;Carreauův model
eng Fluidization of Non-spherical Particle Beds with Viscoelastic Fluids The course of expansion of beds of non-spherical particles with sphericity greater than 0.76 fluidized with non-Newtonian liquids of different measure of pseudoplasticity and elasticity was investigated in columns with circular or rectangular cross-sections. The relationships based on the Carreau viscosity model have been proposed for description of fluidization with viscoelastic polymer solutions in the both creeping and transition flow regions. solid-liquid fluidization;viscoelastic polymer solutions;non-spherical particle beds;anomalous expansion course;Carreau model