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Separation of Glycerol Phase at Transesterification of Rapeseed Oil
Autoři: Raška Jiří | Skopal František | Komers Karel | Machek Jaroslav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Book of Abstracts, 3rd Younger European Chemists` Conference
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze transesterifikace, řepkový olej, glycerol
eng Separation of Glycerol Phase at Transesterification of Rapeseed Oil The aim of research was to monitor the influence of reaction conditions on the rate and efectiveness of glycerol separation at transesterification of rapeseed oil. The transesterification runs as basically catalysed reaction - by addition - elimination mechanism of nucleophilic substitution SN A-E. The rapeseed oil reacts in methanol with solution of potassium hydroxide with the out comes of methylesters of higher fatty acids and glycerol. The potassium salts of higher fatty acids appear as undesired minor products. The main products of this transesterification are limitedly miscible and thus two phases appear - a weighty glycerol and light weight methylester phase. After the separation of these two phases an ester layer is formed (commonly known as biodiesel) and the so-called coarse-grained glycel phase, which is relatively low in content of glycerol. A very important step is thus the purification of this glycerol phase to get the purest glycerol possible. the purification and separation of the glycerol phase through transesterification of rapeseed oil was carried out at different reaction conditions. transesterification, rapeseed oil, glycerol