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Influence of Ionic Strength and pH of Dispersed Systems on Microfiltration
Autoři: Šmídová Dagmar | Mikulášek Petr | Wakeman R.J. | Velikovská Pavlína
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the Membrane Science and Technology Conference of the Visegrad Countries with Wider International Participation PERMEA 2003
Název nakladatele: Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering
Místo vydání: Bratislava, SK
Strana od-do: L10.2
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Influence of Ionic Strength and pH of Dispersed Systems on Microfiltration The influence of particle shape, zeta-potential and size with change of pH and ionic strength on permeate flux during the microfiltration of model dispersions (two different china clays with mean particle sizes 3.5 micrometers and 1.5 micrometers) on flat sheet ceramic membranes (ZrO2, mean size of pores 0.2 micrometers) have been studied. The experiments include measurement of the basic characteristics of model dispersions. The description of the experimental system is also presented. The results of the experiments show that zeta-potential of particles have indispensable impact on the permeate flux. This phenomenon is especially pronounced during the microfiltration of dispersion in the area close of isoelectric point of dispersion, when the value of permeate flux increased to double value of non-treated dispersion. This phenomenon has caused the particle interaction. In area closed of isoelectric point the dispersion had tendency to instability, particles tend to aggregate. It resulted in higher porosity of filter cake and thereby to higher value of permeate flux and lower value of filter cake resistance. mikrofiltrace;pH;iontová síla;zeta-potenciál
eng Influence of Ionic Strength and pH of Dispersed Systems on Microfiltration The influence of particle shape, zeta-potential and size with change of pH and ionic strength on permeate flux during the microfiltration of model dispersions (two different china clays with mean particle sizes 3.5 micrometers and 1.5 micrometers) on flat sheet ceramic membranes (ZrO2, mean size of pores 0.2 micrometers) have been studied. The experiments include measurement of the basic characteristics of model dispersions. The description of the experimental system is also presented. The results of the experiments show that zeta-potential of particles have indispensable impact on the permeate flux. This phenomenon is especially pronounced during the microfiltration of dispersion in the area close of isoelectric point of dispersion, when the value of permeate flux increased to double value of non-treated dispersion. This phenomenon has caused the particle interaction. In area closed of isoelectric point the dispersion had tendency to instability, particles tend to aggregate. It resulted in higher porosity of filter cake and thereby to higher value of permeate flux and lower value of filter cake resistance. microfiltration;pH;ionic strength;zeta-potential