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An Influence of the Solutions of Non-ionic Surfactants on the Efficiency of Displacement Washing of Pulp
Autoři: Skotnicová Ida | Potůček František
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Proc. Int. Conf. Chemical Technology of Wood, Pulp and Paper
Název nakladatele: Slovenská technická univezita v Bratislave
Místo vydání:
Strana od-do:
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Kraft pulp; Black liquor; Displacement washing; Non-ionic surfactant
eng An Influence of the Solutions of Non-ionic Surfactants on the Efficiency of Displacement Washing of Pulp In a laboratory washing cell, the displacement washing of unbleached kraft pulp was investigated. Distilled water and solutions of nonionic surfactants were used to displace black liquor from the pulp bed. Using the step function input change method, the washing breakthrough curves obtained experimentally were described by the axially dispersed plug flow model. To characterize the displacement washing process, the wash yield, as well as the flow parameters were evaluated. Results obtained for solutions of nonionic surfactants were compared with those for distilled water. Kraft pulp; Black liquor; Displacement washing; Non-ionic surfactant