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Influencing the Anticorrosion Efficiency of Zinc-Pigmented Coatings by Means of Lamellar Pigments
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Pitture e Vernici European Coatings
Název nakladatele: Gibipi Editrice
Místo vydání: Milano
Strana od-do: 51-53
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Influencing the Anticorrosion Efficiency of Zinc-Pigmented Coatings by Means of Lamellar Pigments For many years the zinc metal particles have presented an anticorrosive pigment frequently used for the coatings destined to heavy corrosion protection of metals. The electric conductivity of pigmented film is in connection with the concentration of zinc particles in the coating binder. The highest electric conductivity is reached at a concentration of zinc particles in a range of 92-95%. In applications to the corrosion protection two types of zinc particle shapes are used most often namely the spherical and lamellar shapes. N
eng Influencing the Anticorrosion Efficiency of Zinc-Pigmented Coatings by Means of Lamellar Pigments For many years the zinc metal particles have presented an anticorrosive pigment frequently used for the coatings destined to heavy corrosion protection of metals. The electric conductivity of pigmented film is in connection with the concentration of zinc particles in the coating binder. The highest electric conductivity is reached at a concentration of zinc particles in a range of 92-95%. In applications to the corrosion protection two types of zinc particle shapes are used most often namely the spherical and lamellar shapes. zinc-pigmented coatings;anticorrosion efficiency