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Developing Mechanically and Chemically Stable Contacts between Bi2Te3 and FeSi2
Autoři: Drašar Čestmír | Mrotzek A. | Stiewe C. | Müller E. | Kaysser WA
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Materials Science Forum
Název nakladatele: Trans Tech Publications
Místo vydání: Zürich - Uetikon
Strana od-do: 391-398
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Developing Mechanically and Chemically Stable Contacts between Bi2Te3 and FeSi2 Combining the thermoelectric materials Bi2Te3 (used at low temperatures) and FeSi2 (applied up to high temperatures) will result in a thermoelectric device operating at a wide temperature range. The challenge is to contact these dissimilar materials without any negative impact on the thermoelectric properties. Besides providing good electrical and thermal contact of Bi2Te3 and FeSi2 the junctions have to be mechanically and chemically stable. In order to maintain mechanical stability an interlayer adjusting the different coefficient of thermal expansion alpha of FeSi2 (10.10(-6) K-1) and Bi2Te3 (19.10(-6) K-1) is essential. Various composites of Bi2Te3-SiO2 approximating alpha of FeSi2 have been employed as connecting layer. termoelektrické vlastnosti;vnitřní difuse;telurid bismutu;disilicid železa
eng Developing mechanically and chemically stable contacts between Bi2Te3 and FeSi2 Combining the thermoelectric materials Bi2Te3 (used at low temperatures) and FeSi2 (applied up to high temperatures) will result in a thermoelectric device operating at a wide temperature range. The challenge is to contact these dissimilar materials without any negative impact on the thermoelectric properties. Besides providing good electrical and thermal contact of Bi2Te3 and FeSi2 the junctions have to be mechanically and chemically stable. In order to maintain mechanical stability an interlayer adjusting the different coefficient of thermal expansion alpha of FeSi2 (10.10(-6) K-1) and Bi2Te3 (19.10(-6) K-1) is essential. Various composites of Bi2Te3-SiO2 approximating alpha of FeSi2 have been employed as connecting layer. bismuth telluride;iron disilicide;thermoelectric properties;interdiffusion