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Linearization of the Characteristics of a FGM Thermal Sensor Made from Beta-FeSi2
Autoři: Müller E. | Drašar Čestmír | Ernst H. | Kaysser WA
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Materials Science Forum
Název nakladatele: Trans Tech Publications
Místo vydání: Zürich - Uetikon
Strana od-do: 453-460
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Linearization of the Characteristics of a FGM Thermal Sensor Made from Beta-FeSi2 Highly sensitive miniature thermal sensors can be developed when using semiconducting materials instead of conventional metallic alloys in high temperature thermoelectric (TE) detectors. The principle of functionally graded materials (FGM) has been evidenced to be capable to tune the temperature characteristics of the signal responsivity of thermal sensors in a manner that it becomes almost independent from temperature over a range of several hundred K. A preparation technique for segmented thermoelectric FGM made of double doped FeSi2 is demonstrated. termoelektřina;tepelné sensory;Seebeckův koeficient;FGM
eng Linearization of the Characteristics of a FGM Thermal Sensor Made from Beta-FeSi2 Highly sensitive miniature thermal sensors can be developed when using semiconducting materials instead of conventional metallic alloys in high temperature thermoelectric (TE) detectors. The principle of functionally graded materials (FGM) has been evidenced to be capable to tune the temperature characteristics of the signal responsivity of thermal sensors in a manner that it becomes almost independent from temperature over a range of several hundred K. A preparation technique for segmented thermoelectric FGM made of double doped FeSi2 is demonstrated. thermoelectrics;FGM;thermal sensor;Seebeck coefficient