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Process of Improving of Quality Services Rendered to Customers with Products Determined for Production Consumption
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference Marketing of the Companies in V4 Countries One Step before the Entry to European Union
Název nakladatele: Ekonomická fakulta Univerzity Matěja Béla
Místo vydání: Banská Bystrica
Strana od-do: 222-227
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Proces zlepšování kvality služeb poskytovaných zákazníkům spolu s produkty určenými pro výrobní spotřebu Proces zlepšování kvality služeb poskytovaných zákazníkům spolu s produkty určenými pro výrobní spotřebu služby poskytované zákazníkům spolu s produkty určenými pro výrobní spotřebu, kvalita služeb, zlepšování kvality služeb
eng Process of Improving of Quality Services Rendered to Customers with Products Determined for Production Consumption Firstly this paper improves quality services concept so that it was adequate to needs of services quality management in a turbulent market environment. Secondly this paper deals with process of active improving of service quality and with specification its single phases of services rendered for production consumption. It shows that also at services rendered along with of products determined for production consumption it is necessary to pay attention both creating and rendering and subsequent measuring of services quality at process of improving their quality. The whole process should include the phases: analysis of process of buying and consumption of products by customers; identification of assortment of expected and also unexpected (but for higher customer satisfaction needed) services that are efficient to be rendered before, during and after sales from the point of view of customer?s needs; identification of service quality indicators and determination of importance of these service quality indicators from the point of view of customers; determination of expected and ideal notions of customers about a level of service quality according to single indicators of service quality; determination of way of providing single services to customers; executing services provision to customer; acception of arrangements for improving quality of services rendered to customers. Only this is the way the services can contribute to improvement of company competitiveness at distinguished target markets. services rendered to customers with products determined for production consumption, quality services, improving of quality services