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Physical Properties and Structure of Amorphous Agx(Sb0.33S0.67)100-x Prepared by Optically-induced Diffusion and Dissolution of Silver into Spin-Coated Amorphous Sb33S67 Films and their Application for Optical Recording
Autoři: Gutwirht J. | Wágner Tomáš | Kohoutek Tomáš | Vlček Miroslav | Schroeter S. | Kovanda V. | Vlček Milan | Frumar Miloslav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
Název nakladatele: National Institute of Optoelectronics
Místo vydání: Bukurešť
Strana od-do: 1139-1146
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Physical Properties and Structure of Amorphous Agx(Sb0.33S0.67)100-x Prepared by Optically-induced Diffusion and Dissolution of Silver into Spin-Coated Amorphous Sb33S67 Films and their Application for Optical Recording The technique of step-by-step optically-induced diffusion and dissolution of Ag in Sb33S67 amorphous films has allowed to design films with exact silver concentration.The holographic gratings and optically-induced crystallized spots perspective for optical memories have benn produced. chalkogenidová skla; spin-coating
eng Physical Properties and Structure of Amorphous Agx(Sb0.33S0.67)100-x Prepared by Optically-induced Diffusion and Dissolution of Silver into Spin-Coated Amorphous Sb33S67 Films and their Application for Optical Recording The technique of step-by-step optically-induced diffusion and dissolution of Ag in Sb33S67 amorphous films has allowed to design films with exact silver concentration.The holographic gratings and optically-induced crystallized spots perspective for optical memories have benn produced. chalcogenide glasses; spin coating