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Care about Key Customers at Realisation of Products Determined for Production Consumption
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of International Scientific ConferenceMarketing & Trade 2003 - Opportunities and Threats of Common European Market
Název nakladatele: Drevárska fakulta Technickej univezity vo Zvolene
Místo vydání: Zvolen
Strana od-do: 41-44
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Péče o klíčové zákazníky při realizaci produktů určených pro výrobní spotřebu This paper deals with care about the key customers at realisation of products determined for production consumption. It shows that firstly it is necessary to determine a sale and profit potential of customers, to identify the key customers and to differentiate the ways of care about these customers in the field of services. It is necessary to create some conditions for special system of care about key customers, especially for key customers to built process of active improving of service quality at its single phases and to pay attention both creating and rendering and subsequent measuring of services quality at process of improving their quality péče o klíčové zákazníky, produkty určené pro výrobní spotřebu
eng Care about Key Customers at Realisation of Products Determined for Production Consumption This paper deals with care about the key customers at realisation of products determined for production consumption. It shows that firstly it is necessary to determine a sale and profit potential of customers, to identify the key customers and to differentiate the ways of care about these customers in the field of services. It is necessary to create some conditions for special system of care about key customers, especially for key customers to built process of active improving of service quality at its single phases and to pay attention both creating and rendering and subsequent measuring of services quality at process of improving their quality care about key customers, products determined for production consumption