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Determination of Metals in Drinking, Surface and Waste Water by XRF Spectrometry after Preconcentration of Sample on Ion - exchange Filter
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Chemia Analityczna
Název nakladatele: Polish Chemical Society
Místo vydání: Varšava
Strana od-do: 55-64
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Determination of Metals in Drinking, Surface and Waste Water by XRF Spectrometry after Preconcentration of Sample on Ion - exchange Filter The paper describes a fast and cheap method for determination of Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, V, Pb, and Co content in water by the means of wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD XRF) spectrometry after preconcentration of the Sample on the ion-exchange filter. The preconcentration was achieved on filters prepared from the Oxin ion-exchanger with 8-hydroxyquinoline functional groups bound to the fibrous cellulose. The sorption conditions for Zr were optimized, which subsequently served as the correction standard. Detection limits (in mug) for maximum volume (500 mL) of the preconcentrated sample were as follows: DLZn = 1.049, DLNi = 0.867, DLCr 0.281, DLFe = 0.512, DLV = 0.549, DLPb = 0.619, DLCo = 0.453. The method of preconcentration is simple and can be realized in mobile laboratories with consecutive laboratory WDXRF analysis.
eng Determination of Metals in Drinking, Surface and Waste Water by XRF Spectrometry after Preconcentration of Sample on Ion - exchange Filter The paper describes a fast and cheap method for determination of Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, V, Pb, and Co content in water by the means of wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD XRF) spectrometry after preconcentration of the Sample on the ion-exchange filter. The preconcentration was achieved on filters prepared from the Oxin ion-exchanger with 8-hydroxyquinoline functional groups bound to the fibrous cellulose. The sorption conditions for Zr were optimized, which subsequently served as the correction standard. Detection limits (in mug) for maximum volume (500 mL) of the preconcentrated sample were as follows: DLZn = 1.049, DLNi = 0.867, DLCr 0.281, DLFe = 0.512, DLV = 0.549, DLPb = 0.619, DLCo = 0.453. The method of preconcentration is simple and can be realized in mobile laboratories with consecutive laboratory WDXRF analysis. X-Ray fluorescence, water, ion-exchange filter, preconcentration techniques