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Structure of Azo Dye Organotin(IV) Compounds Containing a C,N-chelating Ligand
Autoři: Růžička Aleš | Lyčka Antonín | Jambor Roman | Novák Petr | Císařová Ivana | Holčapek Michal | Erben Milan | Holeček Jaroslav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Applied Organometallic Chemistry
Název nakladatele: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Místo vydání: Chichester
Strana od-do: 168-174
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Structure of Azo Dye Organotin(IV) Compounds Containing a C,N-chelating Ligand Two complexes derived from simple azo dyes - Methyl Orange and para-Methyl Red - and [(2-dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl](diphenyl)tin(IV) moiety have been prepared and their NMR, MS, IR , Raman and UV-VIS spectra were measured and x-ray structure determined. Both compounds reveal the same structure in chloroform and in the solid state, respectively. The central tin atoms exist in slightly distorted trans-trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Organotin(IV) compounds / Azo dyes / C, N- ligand / NMR / X-ray diffraction / Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
eng Structure of Azo Dye Organotin(IV) Compounds Containing a C,N-chelating Ligand Two complexes derived from simple azo dyes - Methyl Orange and para-Methyl Red - and [(2-dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl](diphenyl)tin(IV) moiety have been prepared and their NMR, MS, IR , Raman and UV-VIS spectra were measured and x-ray structure determined. Both compounds reveal the same structure in chloroform and in the solid state, respectively. The central tin atoms exist in slightly distorted trans-trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Organotin(IV) compounds / Azo dyes / C, N- ligand / NMR / X-ray diffraction / Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry