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Corrosion Resistance of Both Filled and Reinforced Vulcanizates Based on Krasol LBD
Autoři: Vraštil Josef | Rybyšar Petr | Večeřa Miroslav | Prokůpek Luboš
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Sborník příspěvků
Název nakladatele: Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: P48
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Corrosion Resistance of Both Filled and Reinforced Vulcanizates Based on Krasol LBD The resins were prepared by reaction with glycerol as a bonding agent and sulphur as a vulcanizing agent. Before vulcanization the rubber was filled with powdered fillres and E-glass reinforcements. -
eng Corrosion Resistance of Both Filled and Reinforced Vulcanizates Based on Krasol LBD The resins were prepared by reaction with glycerol as a bonding agent and sulphur as a vulcanizing agent. Before vulcanization the rubber was filled with powdered fillres and E-glass reinforcements. corrosion; vulcanization; polybutadiene rubbers