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Compatibility Studies of Explosives Using Makro-DTA 550-EX Apparatus
Autoři: Krupka Miloslav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Problemy techniki uzbrojenia
Název nakladatele: Wojskowy institut techniczny uzbrojenia
Místo vydání: Zielonka. Polsko
Strana od-do: 7-11
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze DTA, thermal stability
eng Compatibility Studies of Explosives Using Makro-DTA 550-EX Apparatus The mentioned examples prove advantage of higher amounts of samples when studying compatibility of energetic materials. The macro-DTA proves to be another independent method suitable for the purpose of stability studies. Indispensable advantage of this method is speed and reproducibility. The results may be combined with VST and ignition test. In this way it is possible to estimate compatibility of studied substance or mixture with high probability without the need for lengthy measurements in expensive calorimeters. DTA, thermal stability