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A Study of Chemical Micro-Mechanisms of Initiation of Organic Polynitro Compounds
Autoři: Zeman Svatopluk
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Energetic Materials, Part 2
Název nakladatele: Elsevier B.V.
Místo vydání: USA
Strana od-do: 25-52
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze 15N NMR, 13C NMR, initiation, polynitro compounds, impact, electric spark sensitivity, detonation, thermal decomposition
eng A Study of Chemical Micro-Mechanisms of Initiation of Organic Polynitro Compounds The paper presents a brief survey of available results obtained from studies of the initiation micro-mechanisms of polynitro compounds from the point of view of organic chemistry. Attention is also paid to the basic mechanisms of low-temperature thermal decomposition of these compounds. With consideration of these results, the relationships have been specified and analyzed between the characteristics of impact and electric spark sensitivities, detonation and thermal decomposition, on the one hand, and 13C and 15N NMR chemical shifts of polynitro compounds, on the other. In the case of the impact sensitivity, the said relationships involve the NMR chemical shifts of the atoms carrying the most reactive nitro groups. In the case of the remaining stimuli studied, the 15N shifts of nitrogen atoms in the most reactive nitro groups themselves are involved. It has been stated that the chemical micro-mechanisms of primary fission processes of molecules of polynitro compounds in the initiation by mechanical stimuli (inclusive of the detonation course) and electric spark should be the same as in the case of their low-temperature thermal decomposition. 15N NMR, 13C NMR, initiation, polynitro compounds, impact, electric spark sensitivity, detonation, thermal decomposition