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SAXS and DSC Study of Co-crystallization of Low Molecular-weight PEO Fractions in Polymer Blends
Autoři: Baldrian J. | Horký M. | Steinhart Miloš | Sikora A. | Mihailova M. | Amentisch H. | Bernstorff S. | Todorova G.
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe
Název nakladatele: Institute of Chemical Fibres
Místo vydání: Lodž
Strana od-do: 46-49
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze SAXS and DSC Study of Co-crystallization of Low Molecular-weight PEO Fractions in Polymer Blends This study is aimed at a better understanding of co-crystallisation phenomena in PEO/PEO and PEO/PEO-b-PPO-b-PEO blends in the course of crystallisation. Simultaneous real-time SAXS measurements and the DSC method were used for observing the development of the structure during isothermal melt-crystallisation and during linear cooling and subsequent heating. polyethylenoxid;rozptyl neutronů;rozptyl X-paprsků;růst krystalů;segregace fází
eng SAXS and DSC Study of Co-crystallization of Low Molecular-weight PEO Fractions in Polymer Blends This study is aimed at a better understanding of co-crystallisation phenomena in PEO/PEO and PEO/PEO-b-PPO-b-PEO blends in the course of crystallisation. Simultaneous real-time SAXS measurements and the DSC method were used for observing the development of the structure during isothermal melt-crystallisation and during linear cooling and subsequent heating. poly(ethyleneoxide);x-ray scattering;neutron-scattering;crystal growth;phase segregation;thinning processes