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Priemyselné trhaviny s využitím delaborovaných prachov
Autoři: Jakubček Eduard | Zeman Svatopluk | Kohlíček Petr | Boháčik Jozef
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Zborník prednášok z odborného seminára "Nové trendy v technológii laborácie munície a súčasné aspekty delaborácie a utilizácie munície"
Název nakladatele: Konštrukta
Místo vydání: Trenčín
Strana od-do: 166-177
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze emulzné trhaviny, dierované prachy
eng Industrial Explosives with Utilization delaboratory Powders A sensitization and fortification of the standard emulsion matrix by perforated fine-grain powders in amount of 30 % wt. leads to emulsion explosive with maximum density and detonation velocity at an achievement of optimal consistency. Its initiation ability depends on the diameter and number of channels in the applied powder. Immixture, at the same time, microballoons to this explosive leads to decrease of the density and detonation velocity of the resulted mixture, without distinct increase of its sensitivity to initiation. Performance and brisance of this mixture get near to some gelatinous explosives. emulsion explosives, perforation powders