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Publikace detail

Testing of Energetic Materials
Autoři: Krupka Miloslav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - skripta, učebnice
Název zdroje:
Název nakladatele: National University of Singapore / University of Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do:
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Testování energetických materiálů testování výbušin,citlivost, detonační parametry, chemická stabilita, termická stabilita, mechanické vlastnosti, fyzikální stabilita,explosivní hoření
eng Testing of Energetic Materials The lecture notes for presentation in course ?Testing of energetic materials? are prepared as a handbook of all the important tests used in practical testing of explosives. The document is divided into the 7 parts. Chapter 1 is devoted to sensitivity issues to stimuli of all kinds Chapter 2 is devoted to measurements and calculations of detonation parameters Chapter 3 is devoted to burning and deflagration of propellants Chapter 4 is devoted to problems related to measurements of chemical stability and reactivity Chapter 5 is devoted to thermal analysis Chapter 6 is devoted to testing of mechanical and physical properties Chapter 7 is devoted to all tests that did not fit in any of the previous chapters (determination of melting point, chemical composition etc.) explosives testing, sensitivity, detonation parameters, explosive burning, chemical stability, thermal stability, mechanical properties, physical stability